
Reporter admits to felony gets fired.

I watched the interview this morning, and for having a monster for a father, he seems to be a genuinely good person. I truly, truly hope that he doesn't get judged for the crimes his father committed.

UM Isn't Glenn Beck the white Al Sharpton? I'm pretty fucking sure he is.

This, right here? This is why I say that Facebook is the people you have to know, while Twitter is the people you want to know.

he'll get a lump of coal!

Thinking that god will punish Zimmerman is such a juvenile cop out. What next? Santa Claus won't visit him this Christmas?

I met this man at the 2012 London Olympics!

If she had been non-white and poor her ass would have been in jail, so....

Yes! She's perfect!

Thank you! I so wanted to say it, but I'm a gray! Is there really any other choice?

Right, often people are placed on a hold because they are a flight risk for whatever reason, and without the hold the police can't/won't pursue if the patient leaves the hospital, leaving the patient vulnerable to being in a state of altered consciousness out in the world. It's all pretty traumatic.

I was put on a 5150 last year when I was in the hospital with severe brain seizures due to lupus. I guess I was threatening to leave the hospital and I was in a psychosis. I didn't even know about it until they finally had given me anti-seizure meds and I was coherent again. It was freaky. I had to have a lawyer

Side note: if I never have kids and thus grandkids, I'm going to be super irritated when I'm older and people start automatically assuming I'm a grandma.


All those who so delight in calling Trayvon Martin a "thug" and a "gangster" must be very confused by the conduct of his parents.

I rode the el with him once after he was mayor and I was less interested in him and more interested in climbing his bodyguard like a FUCKING TREE.

Thank you all for the nice comments. I am very surprised to have received a positive response after all of the commotion out there on "teh interwebz." While I do see the point of the comments that essentially say that her sign is risque, if it started a debate that helped everyone see the type of protesting that was


How is it about race? Easy. Consider this scenario: One dark and rainy night, a large black man in a truck starts following a white 17 year old teen coming home from the convenience store with Skittles and a drink. He then grabs his loaded gun, exits his vehicle and starts pursuing this white teenage boy on foot,