Going to the bathroom together at some club? They're not hooking up. They're doing coke.
Going to the bathroom together at some club? They're not hooking up. They're doing coke.
You know what? FUCK YOU.
I'm so happy I still have no idea who this Elan Gale person is.
Meh...I understand perfectly what Kanye is saying.
The one in the middle looks like what we called "taco snack". I LOVED taco snack. Looked like shit, but was delicious.
Oh, honey. No one cares about the West coast.
In other words an abusive asshole. Ugh...
I only mean that it wasn't a planned prank where she was in on it. Not in any way condoning it, etc.
Let's say this is real. Why would a man do that to his wife? For shits and giggles? I don't get it.
My little Italian greyhound, Giovanni - aka the Notorious L.I.G (Little Italian Greyhound), died a 1.5 years ago at 13 years old. I still kick myself that I wasn't home for him and I still cry.
It's smaller so it can get into tighter spaces. It also has a few attachments so I can leave some hair there. I had an electric razor (Remington) but it pulled hair out and stuff. You can also use the nose trimmer attachment to really get in there. I've used one for years. Just bought a new one for $10 at Walgreens.
It's smaller so it can get into tighter spaces. It also has a few attachments so I can leave some hair there. I had an electric razor (Remington) but it pulled hair out and stuff. You can also use the nose trimmer attachment to really get in there. I've used one for years. Just bought a new one for $10 at Walgreens.
This is why I like a good beard trimmer. Mows the bush down with minimal work. Plus I can easily make shapes.
All I have to say is: GET IT GIRL!
Awwww....I bought polish for my pup, but she is a beagle thug and will NOT sit still for that shit.
Honestly, I'd be ok if they burned it. What an awful thing for anyone to want to see.
Maybe he's referring to Chelsea...
I sat there for a really long time trying to figure out wtf I was seeing.
Why don't I have that job?