
Bruce Campbell is looking hot!

She probably finally got some REAL sleep and relaxation. That can do wonders for anyone's face.

I'm sorry. These made me laugh.

Get. It. VENUS!!!

I like it all except that hair. The hair is horrible.

Yeah. I have absolutely NO recollection of any of the events of that night. If you would have asked me, I would have told you I was in bed by 10.

I drove to the grocery store, bought all the ingredients to bake brownies - including a pan since I don't bake and didn't own one. Then drove home, parked in the wrong spot and baked said brownies. Must have passed out because the next morning the dog had brown stuff all over his face and the kitchen was a fucking

Yeah. For some reason, I used to make brownies on Ambien. Interesting tidbit: I NEVER bake.

All of this.

Gay men do get raped after drinking to much. It just goes LARGELY unreported.

My previous doctor they were uncomfortable. My new doctor, I hardly even notice it. I think a lot of it has to do with the doc.

Drusilla would not be caught "dead" in that frock.

No. Just no. I'm sick of going to people's bullshit parties/gift grabs.

Well, I am black first of all. Ghetto - for me - means from 'hood. Living where I live, that can mean any race. (I'm in Miami.)

Yeah. Me too. As a black woman living in South Florida if I showed up somewhere with my nails bedazzled I would be considered a hoochie. Period.


Well over a decade ago, I got an infected finger, too. Never. Again.

Hmmm...I do strongly dislike Tracie, so maybe that's why I'm like, "WTF is this shit?"

Where I'm from, this is straight up hoodrat stuff.

Is this no longer considered ghetto since white, hipsters are doing it now?