I woke up kind of drunk and headed to the office. It's going to suck when that kind of drunk wears off.
I woke up kind of drunk and headed to the office. It's going to suck when that kind of drunk wears off.
Is this one of those guys that runs with Chief Keef? Because all of those guys are insane.
This made me tear up. So much bad ass in one place!
Her bags are fierce!
Orlando is NOT South Florida.
He seems like the type of bro that that along the lines of, "it's all pink in the inside" when it comes to women. Or course he had a black girlfriend. She was hot and not one of "those" black girls!
My biggest disappointment is Lauryn Hill. So, so sad.
Oh, Gabby....You definitely get the last laugh on this one. Tell them haters to kiss your gold medals!
I don't understand why they would even be on the Today show.
I read that paragraph twice. Thought I was having a stroke or something.
Hey Jeremy! Give me a call. I will take away all of your loneliness!
I honestly don't remember the 90's. From what I remember, I had a great time!
Yes, the hysterectomy we're discussing (due to other issues) will take care of that.
The pulmonary embolism I had on birth control was FAR scarier than pushing an 8lb human being out of my vagina.
My thought exactly.
Agreed. When I say "space" I truly mean, "Get the hell out of my face all the time, dude." Otherwise I just say I need some me time.
Horses doing the cabbage patch is the most awesome thing ever! Can we make this happen?
How many people do you know that live on a farm? I know ZERO. Even when I lived in East TX I did not know anyone with a farm or the space for a horse. And we were very much middle class.
The people that are claiming that owning a horse and dressage are totally normal are hilarious.
A million times - Word! There is no way that a WOC with a drug problem like this would be given this opportunity nor develop the kind of following Cat has.