
This is awesome! THe other day, I saw what I thought was a RuPaul sign in my neighbors car. (It was early and dark. I was heading out for a run.) As I got closer I realized it was a Ron Paul sign and was so sad. I'd vote for Ru.

Angela Davis looks great and Talib Kweli is adorable. (Call me!)

I LOVE the Guild.

42? I need to see the birth certificate.

I was ready to hate this, but it's ALL true.

I was just hopping into state the same. She also stated that women should "guard their marriages obsessively". Her blueprint for women is horrid.

Very true.

It's easy for one to say that a baby is not a financial drain or a career interrupter when their career is having babies. Easy to raise another one when you can have your older children "help" raise them.

A million times yes! I had 3 freaking clots on my lungs and one in my leg thanks to Yaz. The tone of this article SUCKS. I'm still paying doctor bills 3 years later and dealing with the fallout.

Ginger White sounds like a porn name.

That's why there is hope that at 36 I can still grow up to be her. :-)

Her dress is really cute!

I want to be Iman when I grow up.

Wouldn't that be $138,000? She had 138 staff and gave them $1000 each.

I recently cut way back on drinking (a few glasses of wine a night. Buzzed. Not drunk.) and am AMAZED at how much better I'm sleeping. I didn't realize that those glasses of wine were what was making me wake up at 1 every morning.

That's Janelle Monae and she is a complete and total badass.

I was coming into say the same thing. I've been called that with every combination of horrible words imagine. Dumb n___r, n____r slut, n____r bitch. You get the idea.

That's the one.

Doesn't that Rihanna blurb answer a couple of blind items? I'll have to go back and look.

This stuff made my skin dry up horribly and burned.