Pfff, that's what work is for.
Pfff, that's what work is for.
See, Draymond has the proper, humane response in his tweet up there. He's a pretty decent guy when he isn't gunning for your nutsack.
Sorry guv, only meant to go in for a light glassing
Depending on how freaky you are, maybe see "Possession."
Well, many of them lean strongly "liberal" as defined in the USA of here and now. I am skeptical about there being many socialists or social democrats in that bunch (admittedly saying this as somebody who only knows the tech sector through the media).
I only read the first one, and it was a long time ago, but doesn't that start with one of the ancient mega-sharks fighting a t-rex in shallow water or something? What I'm saying is, movie, if you have that and are above "SyFy Original" in quality I will watch you.
Whoa whoa whoa, I wouldn't describe Annie Potts as "dowdy" in the original Ghostbusters! "Smoldering" more like. *clears throat*
"Zone One" was a landmark in the "regretful zombie" genre so I might need to check this out.
I saw it with a large group of friends and I remember one of them just being absolutely horrified by all the swinging blue dong, brought it up for days afterward. My fondest memory of the movie honestly.
Wasn't Ridley Scott's name attached to that at some point? Not that THAT guarantees a good turn-of-events either, but at least funding and some basic film-making competence. I woulda seen it.
I'm not as big on Lovecraft personally (gave him a real college try as many of my friends are fans), but that story is excellent. That pathos you note is a big part of it.
Haven't seen the movie yet and not sure if I will (Didn't care for "Only God Forgives" and the reviews for this oneā¦) BUT yes. I really like this playlist.
Best ongoing series on the site right now
Well maybe I'll call or I'll write some new X-Files
Now maybe we'll see on the 4th of Ju-lyy
Predator 2 has one of my very favorite "So Bad It's Good No Really It's So Good" shots where the witch doctor guy is screaming because he sees the Predator and then freeze and then the Predator is walking carrying the guy's head with the exact same expression.
To each his or her own. I love me some @dril personally. Prophet of our times.
That album still rules.
How is Bukowski's not a bottle and/or a wang?
One of the many, many problems with this movie is that it SOLVES THE PROBLEM OF HUMAN MORTALITY in like the last 5 minutes of the movie, almost as a toss-off, so Chappie and the nice Chappie inventor can stay bros.
I like Hugh Jackman. He's a handsome man and he can sing. In this movie he wears khaki shorts, has a mullet, and does not sing.