Can’t say I agree with Sam’s opinion, as the last time sport shooting and beach tunes combined it produced straight GOLD!
Can’t say I agree with Sam’s opinion, as the last time sport shooting and beach tunes combined it produced straight GOLD!
Blaming Gase for the downfall of New York is so pre-Stonewall.
Someone failed reading comprehension.
Then they double discriminated against me since I’m all those things AND AZN!
But a long plane ride to Jigglemeteets, County Kerry, Ireland.
This reminds me of the time I got busted for smoking weed by my dorm monitor at prep school, and tried to hide that fact by saying I was dipping instead and showing the tin.
That didn’t work out too well, and neither will this.
The word “fudge” may enter his lexicon with urgency.
Old white dude sports math:
Talented + Black = Selfish
Untalented + White = Classy
The original is filled with fantastic melodrama and pathos, both of which need a deft hand to execute. The remake sounds like it replaced that deft hand with two left feet.
You’re crazy.
Pffft, wake me up when the Habs try to draft the brother of the guy they really want.
Hookers and Blow is the correct answer.
To be fair they’re not wrong - the bad call will trigger the entitled and moronic parents into acting like raving lunatics, idiotic brawl, assault charges, prison time, clinical depression and stints in juvie for the kid, drug dependency. Bad calls are a gateway drug.
One is the gold standard, the titan who took the sport to new heights while showing abilities that all others will be compared against.
The other was excellent at all facets of the game but really excelled at consistency and persistence. Will probably end up with more cumulative stats in the end, but still a half-step…
Djokovic is Hank Aaron to Federer’s Babe Ruth. Always has been, always will be.
All comes down to how the hearing breaks - if they want to punish the outcome vs the intent.