It's Ginaaa

I thought about that too, but I wasn’t sure if they would go that route since the original already had Paige being half whitelighter. Making her part demon would be interesting, and I could see them doing a lot with that storyline. 

Part of me is leaning towards him being some sort of either demon, or trying to be reformed demon like Cole was in the original. Something about him is just off. 

How many pairs does someone need to have to be considered a sneakerhead? I’m genuinely curious since 60 seems like a lot to me, but I’m also someone who has like 2 pairs. 

I feel the same way. As soon as I read that he resells them at a markup I felt a bit of anger boil up inside me for all the sold out concerts I haven’t been able to go to because people buy all the tickets to resell at 3x the cost.

I’m one of the ones who dislikes Mel at this point. I’m glad they saved Angela, and I would have been disappointed if they just killed her without trying anything else, but the way Mel went about it was just bad IMO.

I believe she also attributed a lot of the damage to having to bleach it and color it red once every 2 weeks for several years.

I’m annoyed that they’re setting up a love triangle between Maggie, Parker, and Lucy. She has had like 3 short conversations with him, and barely knows him. It just seems like another show that’s going to go with the tired girls fighting over a guy who’s not really worth being fought over, which is going to lead to

Aww, he looks so happy and excited

Ugh, so damn cute!

Looks like the best hiking partner! 


Such a cute sleepy boy!

Such good pups, and a cute kitty!

I can’t handle the cuteness!

They look like the best kitties!

So sweet!

Aww, so cute and cuddly. Love the big, floppy ears.

Aww, look at that little face! His tie is very cute. I already ordered Cosmo a little collar tie thing for Christmas. 

Haha, it’s so easy and comes through in a pinch! Your doggie is beautiful. 

Pete is so handsome! I’ve never had a cat, but I helped my aunt put a costume on her cat once and I will never attempt it again. I had so many scratches after.