
Eh, I grew up in the Bay Area and live on the East Coast now and I promise you there are plenty of appalling elite West Coast men as well. Different kinds of appalling, but equivalent. Actually, maybe the West Coast version is worse because they know the right words to say, but do or remain silent on the horrible

The worst part is all of this—the declaration of paternal affection so devoid of actual emotion it might as well have been from a robot, the manly apologies for those darn wimmins and their wanton ways, the deeper concern for his country club time being awkward than his daughter being assaulted—it’s all not only

When I was sexually harassed by a man at my job, I reported it and told my parents, and they called me a bitch for reporting it, that I wasn’t able to take a joke, and that it was my moral responsibility to “make it right” so that this “innocent man” wouldn’t have to suffer any consequences for what he did (making

I expect she has been aware that her dad is a complete piece of shit for a while, now. I doubt this was a surprise. It’s certainly not to me.

Thoughts and prayers.

“You do realize that the anti semitic video has been removed days after the fact and he had never done any other joke about it since right?”

It was a joke.

You‘re a fucking clown.

“people were getting too close to the truth”

I know what you mean. I’m surprised the Lizardmen haven’t had him assassinated yet in a pizza joint’s basement.

Just last week I leaned down to tie my shoes, missed the loop on the first try, and boom, dozens of teenage Nazis were created.


Well, I'm hoping he decides to donate to a charity of his genuine choosing which also fights against anti-semitism.

What a chode. He’s never going to donate to any charity and just hopes everyone forgets about it.

And if your fanbase thinks you’re being FORCED to donate to charity, an action that is so outlandish to them they think it can only be performed under duress, you have a garbage fucking fanbase.

This would be a lot more convincing if he didn’t have an iron fucking cross on his collar come on man

This is so weird. Donating to the ADL is a positive thing all around. How could you not be passionate about the ADL? Why would you let anti-Semitic trolls dictate that decision? Who cares what conspiracy nut-jobs think? Why does this guy always ALMOST do something right and then shoot himself in the foot? Will his

The ADL ordered him to rescind because people were getting too close to the truth. Also it’s about integrity in gaming journalism also.

The last time I made any mistake it was fuddle up a line in my program, not accidentally convert a fanbase into alt-right pizzagate conspiracy theorists.

So the next time this dude claims sincerity, we’re just supposed to buy it wholesale, right?

Real courage of your convictions there, Pewds.

I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that the school district hired him to coach in the first place, let alone put him in charge of a girls team. What genius thought that was a good idea?

This seems appropriate. I’m not saying he shouldn’t be allowed to have a job, but it probably shouldn’t be one where he has influence over girls or women.