The Pumpkins were my first concert, in the antique year of 1997. I still have my shirt with a devil smiley face and the words “the world is a vampire” underneath. I might have to dig it out this weekend.
The Pumpkins were my first concert, in the antique year of 1997. I still have my shirt with a devil smiley face and the words “the world is a vampire” underneath. I might have to dig it out this weekend.
What is “really fucking depressing”?
Not five minutes ago I just donated 2 boxes of the 6 I bought to my department’s junk food corner. It also contains some kind of cheap donuts and, weirdly, some Little Debbie snack cakes. There’s also a giant jar of assorted candy.
My best friend and I share Mike’s problem, though without the weird self-righteous turn at the end. There’s a hyperbolic incredulity, especially if someone doesn’t share life experiences or tastes, that can be a bit alienating. The language used makes it hard to really discern true feelings, or to temper expectations…
I was really suprised by where his email ended up going - to me letting go of the “we all have to be the same” thing means less edgelording and more communing. But, then again, I’m a lady and we’re not only allowed to be like that we’re pretty much required to.
I maintain that I get a little extra hit of dopamine when someone I like spending time with likes the same particular thing I like. Whether that’s Dr. Pepper or Thor: Ragnarok or the rotoscoped adaptation of Aku no Hana or Dodge Stealths, we humans seek out connections for that reason. If they also like Avery Brooks’…
Also I had people over at my place for a party. What am I supposed to do, in the middle of the 3rd quarter ask if they want to watch the Netflix Fyre Festival documentary instead?
We had a Halloween wedding a few years ago, AND I was pregnant, AND it was not dress up/theme. Fuck. That. At least give me something to be entertained by!
My Lyft driver to the airport was an FBI agent with a sick kid. How much does that fucking suck?
Oh god so you’re saying this is another American Ninja Warrior, a ridiculous show that I weirdly love because it is relentlessly positive and affirming? Guess I have to watch it now!
Starred because I still like rap from about 1992-2002. When my daughter plays this new stuff that passes for rap, I turn into my dad, Mr. “I quit listening to new music after the BeeGees.” I quit listening to any rap after Lil Wayne.
I liked Greta van Fleet, but everyone’s telling me I shouldn’t and they’re lame and bad. Do I just have bad taste or am I old or what’s going on.
I was at a class reunion of my all-boys Catholic high school (usually pretty progressive as far as these places go) a few years ago. A priest who was also an alumnus was asked to say a prayer before dinner. He proceeded to give basically the same speech that you heard. At least half of the guys seated at my table…
Holy shit, if you can’t trust football coaches & Catholic priests these days who can you trust?
Every work party I’ve ever been to has been on a Thursday or Wednesday. No one would come on a weekend.
Much prefer holiday parties on a weeknight. I don’t need to spend my precious weekend time with my colleagues. Worst case scenario is everyone is in the same boat the next day.
Ok I’m glad we’re on the same page here.
Almonds are fine, and perhaps the most versatile nut, but the cashew is the best nut and I will accept no arguments in opposition (except maybe the macadamia nut, but they’re so goddamn expensive and hard to crack that I only have them a couple times a year).
The worst thing people do in office bathrooms is fart at the urinals when there’s someone next to them.