
Hey, I’ll take it any day of the week! And no worries about the delay, my comment wasn’t meant to be a complaint- I just really love this hilarious series so I’m glad to see it continue :)


My sister, who has a long-term transwoman friend and is pro gay and lesbian rights told me I was a slut when I came out as bisexual because “at least gay people don’t have a choice”. I told her I was in love with a girl at the time and that you don’t who you fall for. She also judges women for being more promiscuous

When a handful of women on your timeline share this meme and post “some of us can still cook;)))“

First of all, this is a great piece! Secondly, I think a good way to deal with women saying sexist things is to remind them that those attitudes negatively affect them too. Not ad hominem attacks, but things like, “You think fixing cars is for men? Don’t you think people might say the same thing about your interest in

So this is a discussion I had the other day with this guy I really like. (Okay, okay, so it’s not another lady, but bear with me.) He was telling me how he’s lost 15 pounds and been watching his weight and stuff and he was happy about it, but at some point he got uncomfortable and said something like: oh, god, I sound

Few things piss me off more than sexist women. It hurts so much more when it’s a woman who slut- or bodyshames, or sees men as superior or feels like women should adhere to patriarchical standards.

Thanks, Seventeen, God knows there aren’t enough avenues encouraging teenagers to act like sociopaths.

Favorit. Super hero movie. Ever!

THIS IS WHY WOMEN ARE AFRAID OF MEN. We get messages from men who think they deserve our time and a response just because they have a boner. When we politely decline, they lose their shit. When we ignore them, they lose their shit. When we tell them we have a boyfriend, they lose their shit. And then all of a sudden,

You hit the nail on the head. Only years later did I realize how scary my first boyfriend was after we broke up, because he was a skinny nerdy kid into comics and Keanu Reeves movies. That shit comes in ALL forms

Mantrum: man throws fit because woman does not instantly seize upon his attention like a barnacle to a slave ship.

Dudes like this unnerve the hell out of me. It’s like a wall of “trying” that gets increasingly mean and frantic. They are like the velociraptors in the first Jurassic Park, just jumping on the electric fence, trying to find a weak spot. And they NEVER admit that they are the creepy, stalker assholes that they are. In

Is.. did he... was that last tweet a “Hitler had some good ideas, guys” thing?????

legit lol’d at this

Nothing about this post struck me as particularly controversial but other commenters are gearing up for a shitstorm so I guess I am too. Don’t dissapoint me Jezebel commentariat and coontown refugees. I expect to see blood or at least a proper distraction from work.

I actually do love it but I am a terrible person so.

oh look here comes satin to ruin the day

God bless Sarah Hyland and her ability to look like a teenager forever.