
I think I understand why people do this. I don’t think its a purely male thing, trying to wear someone down, but guys do seem to try to do it by buying things and grand gestures more often. I do think we as a society really do need to work on inter-gender communication, guys need to be more clear about their actual

You know, I think about this a lot. I find it absolutely rich when white people say “all Asians look the same” or “all blacks look the same.” Its like...have you seen YOUR OWN RACE?

I hope his face gets pregnant with a brain tumor.

Not scientifically, but most women are a much bigger cup than you think. I believe has pics of women of all different sizes.

My favorite part is that the Puritans left England to escape a country where religious belief was codified into law.

They seem to forget that little tidbit. Also, Jesus, the guy they claim to worship, was *gasp* a socialist hippie!!!!

At least there's no sand. We all know his feelings on that...

I really like her. I was firmly against Twilight in every way as it’s just not my taste at all and I didn’t *get* it, so I was stupidly anti-Kristen for a while. She’s fantastic, and she really does get more beautiful by the day.

*tips trilby, calls it a fedora*

6:45AM? I could never live in LA. Even the crack addicts are morning people.

I promise you that electric blue is mostly MAC’s Deep Truth. I’m sure there are other things thrown in there but I recognize Deep Truth the way a mother fur seal recognizes the call of her lost pup from an entire island away. I’d be willing to be there’s some Plumage worked around the outer corner, but Deep Truth.

“Claire, did you bring your kneepads?”

Reviewing today’s events: White 20-year-old male drives stoned, takes silly selfie with his arresting officer. Black 21-year-old female suspected to be in possession of weed is restrained, has police officer’s hand forcibly inserted into her vagina. is raped.

Reviewing today’s events: White 20-year-old male drives stoned, takes silly selfie with his arresting officer. Black 21-year-old female suspected to be in possession of weed is restrained, has police officer’s hand forcibly inserted into her vagina.

homegirl is fucking lucky as shit and also has the lightest period on god’s green earth bc if that was me please believe they would have blurred out my entire lower half and all 26 miles behind me that were literred w huge globs of my uterine lining.

What those hooting baboons in the audience cheering that melting pile of candy corn don’t seem to get is that a candidate running for PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES used his time to insult and deride. This is the best you guys have to offer?! Congratulations President Clinton then.

John Fogerty would be so fucking offended you think CC&R sang Sweet Home Alabama.

Dear America, Just a reminder that if your election lasts for four years, you need to see a doctor.

Their official statement is they will allow girls to sit on the bench? Like its some big favor they are giving?

I’m 31.