
In the 80s, Republican wet dream poster boy Reagan himself created a panel called the Human Fetal Tissue Transplantation Research Panel to look into using aborted cells for research. The conclusions of this panel, that this would be great for science, lead Bush Senior to lift the ban on donations and for the Senate


Right? By the time I figure out if I’m hungover or still drunk, I’m already running late for work.

How to start your day like Mocena:

Awesome advice, seriously. I usually start my mornings with a large glass of water to try and clear my head from all of the alcohol from the night before.

I am pro-pixie cut. Pixie cut all the things ladies, I mean ladies.

Thank god this fictional white man was there to save us all. *gags*

THANK YOU. Fucking hell, fellow white folks, we have GOT to stop doing this shit. A cursory examination of the history of Stonewall would tell you that the majority and driving force behind this were gender non-conforming queers of color. Marsha P. Johnson, Sylvia Rivera, and the others deserve so, SO much better than

Oh hooray. The first Stonewall movie is about a fictional white gay male. This erases the BLACK trans woman who actually was the first to throw something (Marsha P. Johnson, if you’re wondering). It erases all the dykes who were being raped and arrested and who fought on the front lines of basically every important

The fact that this movie has not a single black or latino lead is a sick joke, basically.

Am I the only one who thought she literally meant TRUMP’s toilets? Because he employs tons of undocumented immigrants then spews hate about them, and how they shouldn’t be here, but profits off their work? And then he goes on to claim that he will get the hispanic vote because he employs them? Maybe I’m being too

I’m kinda okay with this breakup. She was abusive, yes?

“thank god Rory chose Yale”

Fuck ‘em is right. Early on when this debate was firing up, I heard a wonderfully simple and devastating rebuttal from a historian, when confronted with the stock defense of “Well the flag is about heritage and courage in the face of the South losing the war.”

Typical Islamic anti-colonialist agenda, focusing on ensuring the survival of the human species even at the cost of inconveniencing job-creators.

Anything pre-Reagan doesn’t matter, there is only Reagan. Perfect, perfect Reagan.

You’d think Republicans would like no “Plan B".

“They fought to try and get freedom for everyone.”

i wish we had the UK system of ‘you can campaign for this amount of time. you have this amount of money designers politicians, get to work.