I chuckled at 'manties' too! Erin is on a roll! She's def one of my favorite writers here.
I'm ok with your judgement. Who are your imaginary sidepieces? Mine include: JGL (which I feel bad about because I don't want to break up his adorable marriage), Tom Hiddleston (for obvious reasons), and Paul Rudd (also obvious).
I laughed way to loudly at #Rebelshart. My coworker gave me the evil eye.
Speaking of gluten, I have a problem: I'm supposed to host a dinner and one of my friends is vegetarian, and the other is doing Paleo, which means no gluten, etc. So my question is what the everloving fuck do I cook for these people? Help me, fellow Jezzies!
Don't talk like that about my imaginary sidepiece.
RIGHT??!! People are like, "What a shitty book; I hated both of them." That's the point people! I ended up rooting for them to stay together, just so NO ONE ELSE would be destroyed by those fucks. And the way Amy could go from totally understandable to completely bat-shit crazy insane in a millisecond was amazing to…
You grab/grasp those straws, Huck.
Yikes. Sorry, friend.
I probably wouldn't say anything to them. Ever again. Cutting them out of your life is probably a good way to go.
Right, but she literally started planning this trip three months ago. That's pretty soon to get all that money together.
Yeah, friends of mine are planning a Europe trip this summer. Personally, I'm up to my neck in student loans and can't afford to miss work. I asked her how she's affording it and she looked at me like I was crazy. "With my savings, of course!" she replied. Thinking she was joking, I laughed and said, "No, really."…
Your dad sounds like a class act.
Hopefully mine will be embarrassed by it one day.
Yeah this whole livesmatter thing has basically been a litmus test for my Facebook friends. I have way less friends on Facebook now, and yet I'm way happier. Go figure.
Mmmmmmmm.....Lenny Kravitz.
Variations include #bluelivesmatter. My stepmom posted that on her facebook (my dad's a cop in Ohio), and I just about lost my shit. I can love the crap out of my father, and still want him as a professional to be held to higher standards than "I shoot because I can." I can support him and hope for his safety, and…
When I saw the preview for The Interview before all the weirdness, I thought "Hey, Lizzy Caplan! I probably won't pay to see this movie, but maybe if a friend has it, I could watch it stoned. But no strong feelings either way." Then it became A Thing to watch as some sort of defiant act and I was like "Ok, guess I'm…
Idk, personally I've never felt that genetics earns you anything.