
Completely natural, non-Brazilian implanted cheeks, thank you very much.

Thanks for the insight, that's very interesting. I'm definitely going to get in to LSD instead of the LDS.

Ah, well then they can come up north and be the True Canadian Religion, as long as they're quiet about it.

They still seem nicer than the average Please Think of the Children Christians. Also, come on, look at all that whitewash and neoclassical architecture shizzle, clearly Mormonism is meant to be the true American religion.

There are no pictures of me from all the times I was sucking two dicks at once so I am therefore as pure as driven snow. Phew.

I think he's just being a poopface, but you raise an interesting point. I'm not sure how a test could be changed to be less gendered (if it actually is) other than varying the kinds of questions asked. But I've always thought that entirely multiple choice exams were bullshit.

I'm guessing the girls are still graduating with higher honours, but maybe if we shit on them enough it'll level the playing field?

This is just like when gay people permanently ruined marriage for every straight person ever. Now Miley has ruined blackness for black people. Goddammit Cyrus!

Wow, you guys are adorable. The pervert here is the man in the photo. He wants people to see his junk. There is absolutely no way he left his house without noticing... that.

I don't think about anything during sex. Thoughts are not necessary.

I've always depended on the cruelty of strangers.

Oh I'm sure some of the racists know exactly what they're doing. It's all very tactical. I can express my white anger cuz that makes for good TV, but black anger is scary or just a ploy to make everything about 'being black'.

I like the composition of Amanda Seyfried's photo. Nice contrast between all those looming angular shapes and her soft, more round features and dress. She doesn't like interviews.

I was going to post a (censored) pic of the cover of gay porn Men In Stockings, but I'm kind of trying to stick to Disney .gifs

Well since she's a celebrity we'll need to measure her waist in microns to determine if she's pregnant or merely dangerously obese.

If you look closely you can see he's sitting on a hot tub jet and lovin' it.

I assume Mr. Cowell will be the one to breastfeed. He is quite proud of those tits.

That's not monstrous, that's justice! We do things differently up here at the Paranormal Justice Department. When we say 1000 years we mean it.

So I've developed an elixir that grants the imbiber 1000 years of life, unfortunately I only have enough for one person. Here you go, Ariel. You don't get to be up where they walk, up where they run, up where they stay all day in the sun.

because British people are better than us you silly goose