
The best part is when you laugh at something 'inappropriate' or sad and you give ZERO FUCKS to the people around you.

brb, making a movie called Toy Hostel

I only do it when someone asks. There's slightly less ridicule that way.

Deadpool's moves are sexier. I want the D

I dunno, my Major Depressive Disorder makes me hilarious.

So having visible breasts makes you buxom?

Is that Anne Veal?

If I clench my fists and grunt a lot I can have a lucid nightmare in which I am chased and devoured by bunneeeeez <3

Retta is not a pillow, she's a lady. Get your dimples off those nipples.

I still like Toronto Animal Services better (less scandals). Got this little fucker for $20, and it's next to the Horse Palace in Exhibition Place.

Love the outfit. She's one of my favourite Xena villains.

My ginger ass just rented a soul so that I could die a little bit inside. She does look great though.

Oh they totally do this. None of them have accents, it's all just a show. If you say the same word three different ways in the space of an hour I call bullshit on your language.

My goodness, your vagina must be as delicate as a Minge vase.

Everyone wanted to know the gender of the baby, Kola Boof and I (mostly) just want to know the race. I was really hoping for a black princess, but whatevs

If I had to choose one person from the cast to help me in some horrible crisis it would def be Donna.

I know I sound like I'm being a bag of dicks at all times (but that's only cuz I am), but you're right, a good motivational mantra is more important than numbers, be they accurate or not.

That's beautiful. I accept your love.

Sam Claflin: You're not going to mount me on your wall!

Oh noes.