
Oh don't worry, I vote NDP. I don't know why, but I do.

I'm Canadian and I don't know anything about Canada. American news is much more interesting; it's a massive, horrifying soap opera. I'm always wondering what those wacky Americans will get up to next.

There are a few people here that will tell the story of how they successfully fended off their attacker with a weapon, and that is great. That's amazing.

When you have to spend a long time agonising and asking yourself, "But IS IT RACIST?" you should probably do something... else.

Yeah I don't understand how he was able to invite her in. My apartment has been like that, and all normal human activities ceased. No one is allowed inside, sex is not desired (not even at someone else's immaculate apartment). Maybe he was so desperately, skeezily horny that he decided getting laid was top priority.

I think the lead singer ruins everything for me. Everything. He's the prettiest, most un-sexy person I've ever seen.

Straaaaaaight people! *shakes fist* This makes me so mad I could DANCE.

Deal with it, cats. This is payback.

Yes, it feels different. No, it doesn't ruin sex. It's not har- difficult to always have a condom on hand and to make sure your peen is healthy, has all its shots, a glossy coat, etc.

BEERMAN: lolumad?

Oh god, 33C. I'm rubbing snow all over myself just thinking about it.

Probably the first PC game I played with someone else. Flying around with your friends on dragons was great.

Use my new patented Body Odour Anti-SmellGood-irant. Apply to underarms liberally. Alternatively, use Axe body spray.

I have a bunch of weddings to go to, but I'm okay with it because I'm deeply cynical. I actually spend more time worrying that my friends will become a big ol' statistic (divorced) than bathing in self pity. Once the wedding is over though I pour equal parts of champagne and self pity in to the bath tub and go nuts.

Tomato-Basil Lasagna Spirals

You can very easily make a tofu filling for pasta that tastes exactly like the mysterious cheese filling in store bought ravioli (which is delicious, let's all admit it). I'm too lazy to make ravioli, so I use those little lasagne noodles and roll the filling in to pasta spirals.

As Gawker put it, certainly some of the animosity is real, but I'm sure the fights are choreographed to some extent. So your joy won't come from them actually fighting, it will come from them trying really hard to improv a catty catattack and watching two dingbats fail at improv. That MIGHT actually be funny.

Because they're from Real America.

Ermagersh, Liz got friendzoned and is totes going to make a bunch of crappy, angry internet memes about it.

Thank you. I'm not sure why so many people are happy to blindly supper Bigelow and highly inaccurate war movies. I'm sure she's a lovely person and all, but we know that torture DOES NOT produce accurate information.