
Yes, yes, Bret Easton Ellis is an insufferable fool and Kathryn Bigelow is lovely and talented, BUT we DO KNOW whether torture played a direct role in finding Osama Bin Laden. Wanna know how? Well it's because torture never has and never will produce accurate information. It's really that simple. I shouldn't be so

Hmm, Death was right. It's all a matter of glands.

Because you started telling me your story. I don't know much about feminism and I don't know how many more FemmePoints I need to level up. All I know is that if you listen to women you can learn something.

I like how Lena Dunham took 37 hours (exactly) to hobble to the stage at the Golden Globes. She could have been wearing flats, but no, she had to make a statement, "Ermagersh, I can't walk in heels because I am/I'm not a real girl!"

I, for some reason, give people the benefit of the doubt and assume that they are showing me a symbol of their engagement, not a circle of precious metal with a piece of precious rock in it.

Either all lesbians in Toronto are outfitted with cloaking devices or women just don't go to the village very often. I'm not going to crash their party at the ONE lesbian bar because then I feel like they would come out of their hobbit holes even less.

Since I'm not a stripper and have no idea what it's like, I have no opinion on the matter. If she is imitating strippers in a clownish way that's obviously problematic but I'm pretty sure her opinion is born from good intentions. Strippers aren't just going to go away, of course. I'm assuming she believes that all

I'm always baffled when people don't realise that men and women are equally vain.

Going to try the braided dick thing next time I have a threesome. I'm sure the guys will be totes down for it.

Hey Felicity Huffman, sup? No, just kidding, I don't really care, but I DO want you to make more movies/teebee shows. Thx.

Agreed. Sex just isn't romantic until it gets to the point where your sweaty backside and his pelvis play the game of Sitting Naked on a Leather Couch in Summer.

Jim Henson wanted to know if he could make the most unlikable Muppet ever.,

Perhaps he has never seen one that was necessary. I haven't either.

Finally, a chain lingerie store. I'd like to be fitted for a chainmail bra, like a more metallic Xena outfit.

Probably one of the least offensive opinions I've ever seen come out of a comedian's mouth.

Really long dicks lead to hilariously awkward penetration conversation, like, "Is it all the way in yet?" -"No, it's like a third of the way in" "Oh... how 'bout now? That's probably enough. Let's work with this".

All the previews for Zero Dark Thirty make it look like a massive ball of cheese and it apparently has a scene where accurate information is acquired through torture (which doesn't happen in real life).

And now Japan (all o' demz) is wondering how to make this in to an edgy anime a la Deathnote.

When you smoke a bowl or three and think something is going to be hilarious it never, ever is. If a friend sends me a bunch of stoned text messages one night I usually don't get around to reading them., This would offend them if they were sober, but they're not so they don't remember :)

If you like loud, brash people.