I Am B Spears

Simple answer: We don’t have a choice.

I love reading The Root. It often exposes me to news I won’t find elsewhere and both the authors and the comment section are easily my favorite across the GMG.

I had a relative that use to say something along the lines of “if you and a dog were in the street a white person would swerve their car and run you over just so they didn’t hurt the dog.”

He should say he majored in geology, not imply that he has done advanced worked work in the field in the recent past.

Hey Bobby, long time listener, first time caller.

Do you know the customers? Can you 💯 verify they are troublemakers trying to start a race war? As someone who has worked in retail, I find it odd that black people are asked to leave if they are not paying customers and when they refuse to leave because white people are not getting the same treatment, the staff

Was there bias, probably, should they have escalated the issue, absolutely not.

the assholes on the root.

Ya’ know *come closer*’s not always about YOU!

Because he fucking wanted to? What more reason than that does he need?

About ten years ago I was living in a fairly rural area and I was out doing some yard work one day when a large, black dog that I didn’t recognize walked by. It wasn’t one of the neighborhood dogs, and was large enough that I stopped what I was doing and took notice, like “Jesus, that’s a big-ass dog!” before going

The problem, though, is that in the US, at least, tips shouldn’t be considered “rewards.” They are labour costs put directly on the customer, rather than being bundled in with the price of the food. Even when I have a shitty day at work I still make the same amount I always do, because my labour costs haven’t been put

Or, she could have had an assistant write that tweet. <adjusts tinfoil hat>

This is child abuse IMO.

You are so invested in this atlas. And I respect that about you.

I somehow got on a mailing list for all of Don’s “personal surveys” begging us to tell him that we all really love him. I fill them out, politely explaining why he’s an embarrassment to the Presidency, the U.S., and the entire human race, and—I know it’s petty, stupid, and pointless—when asked, “Is there anything else

I don’t give a shit if she got work done. She looks amazing and works hard for that figure, I’m sure. Get it, Britney. Get. It.

I have such a soft spot for Aubrey because I LIVED for Making the Band (original version O-Town and Diddy’s Danity Kane). And now I’m going to listen to Damaged and look up youtube clips of Boom Kat yelling at them while they dance to Ciara’s 2 Step.

I was at a grocery store on Saturday and had to go up to the customer service desk. The guy ahead of me had bought one of their cakes made for St. Patrick’s Day. He was going into them because the icing on the flag wasn’t orange enough for the Irish flag. He was pissed. The customer service guy just looked at them and