I Am B Spears

Please settle a debate: Is Back to the Future a sci-fi movie?

When Calls the Warden

Who should play Lori in the inevitable Lifetime movie “Anything For My Daughter: The Lori Laughlin Story.”

First we will get the dumb think pieces about how she is as much as a victim as much as everyone else even though she posed for those crew pictures. We will also she high end brands like Dolce and Gabana stick with her because they can’t turn against their own clientele which is undeserving wealthy white people.

What you’re doing is essentially wondering what safeguards are in place to prevent a woman from aborting, late in her pregnancy, a perfectly viable fetus when there is no apparent danger to her health. The safeguard is “doctors” and that no medical doctor will perform an abortion in this case. The other safeguard is

So basically Wal-Mart greeters with guns. 

No, no it’s not a fair question regardless of your misinterpreted “stats”. Those women were minding their own business in a public space when they were approached and attacked by your previous Cave Becky with racist stereotypes. It is never fair to assume anything about someone based on race, especially someone who is

To be clear, it will be coat hangers in back alleys, regardless of how robust our resistance work is. You just can’t get to enough people in a timely way when you have to do it all underground.

This week the Supreme Court decided that it’s unconstitutional to force fake doctors to tell women the truth, but totally constitutional to force real doctors to lie to them. That’s the court we have right now. And it’s about to become so much worse.

The idea of a man gatekeeping whether feminism is a useful term is, uh, unpleasant.

The fact that they toss out around the word “groupthink” so freely while ensconced in a secret, private listserv where they happily jerk each other off about how great they are is pretty much the epitome of the problem.

In general, I often change the things I find offensive in books when I read to my kids. But, it is typically in picture books. I love Monsters Eat Whiny Children, but there’s one line when they are discussing making a whiny-child cake and the monster’s wife says she can’t eat sweets because her bottom is too big, and

The fact that trump hasn’t said it yet is astounding. I’m surprised no one has told trump that the n word is a word that Obama is allowed to use but trump isn’t.

So is her face a sandwich?


LOL @ you, stanning for incels on JEZEBEL, of all places.

You know what, you’re right. Now that a man has asked me to reconsider my position, I have fully thought it through and concluded that high heels are not necessary for my profession, even though I have had thoughtful dialogue with other women all evening about the same issue and its fundamental unfairness in the

Judge Judy has been 75 since 1996, though.

Actresses devoid of charisma who benefited from nepotism?

“HR exists to protect the company, not you” is a crucial lesson that everyone needs to learn as early in their working lives as possible.