I Am B Spears

Your anecdotal evidence notwithstanding, just because doctors also occasionally kill white people by being overconfident that doesn’t change the fact that black women are definitely-and to a statistically relevant degree-dying from getting lesser care than white women when giving birth no matter what advantages they

Oh but you missed the best photo - where they are both LAUGHING

Uh, the same Milgram experiments that wouldn’t pass any IRB today? No more damaging than that? Sure, sure. Good stuff.

Your response here is evidence in support of her original thesis that wypipo are fragile.

Gwyniston sounds like the Market town in a lesser Brontë novel. “Thus the kitchen maids went to Gwyniston in a handsome coach kindly provided by Lord Anniston Paltrow, where they obtained two handsome guinea fowl that served as our supper.”

I saw on a friend’s post on Facebook that somebody was talking about the “mental health issue”, and I got excited because finally, maybe, we were going to have a good conversation about this...

Had they enslaved our Latino brethren in the same manner, then potentially you might be right. However, if they didn’t enslave any other ethnic peoples, and simply stayed lily white, then Harriot’s description stands. The drum comes from Africa, ancient medicinal techniques come from Africa, and well seasoned food

Oh, I am so sorry, Mama Z.

We had to say goodbye to my darling pug after nearly 18 years on Monday. This made my day. Hopefully, Rumble and Phoebe are running around and eating peanut butter toast together today.

Was your initial comment giving voice to a perspective you have on abuse from personal experience, or was it you letting everyone know how much you dislike the Trump administration and think they don’t actually care about abuse of women?

This is how you respond to someone who gently told you that they’re a survivor of domestic abuse?

But this is still bullshit though.

I get SNAP benefits. I can feed my family, and well, with money left over each month.

You know, I’ve been waiting for an opportunity to raise this. I live in Ireland. It is still a predominantly white country. Someone more learned than I could probably go into the historic reasons for this. I’m guessing it’s some combination of geography and economics and politics and so on. Let’s blame the famine for

I hope dude’s son has a Black Panther tailgate party this weekend right there in the driveway

Used to comment, using burner now because I swore off commenting but this is worth wading in again.

Men are just so used to people letting them fill up a space they are baffled when asked to let someone else have some air. I don’t want a men’ free space. I just want men to not be squatting on every thread about women when they have nothing to add other than parroted feminist phrases. We don’t need you to parrot us.

This was well done and well thought out but unfortunately not going to affect anything. MD has successfully painted himself as a victim of lady bullies and will continue his long winded disingenuous “I don’t understand why you don’t like me” b.s until we all go. He is a 20 something dude who constantly posts his 20

I’ve never had a personal problem with you. I suspect we are around the same age, and we definitely live in the same country. I have noticed, however, that you do make yourself at online home in places where others wouldn’t necessarily do.