I Am B Spears

I came here to say that, during the early aughts, I used to get my hair cut by the same guy who (apparently) cut Beyonce’s. Since I was an old white woman even then, I had no idea how big a deal this was until I told my nieces, who immediately went nuts. I took them to the salon on what turned out to be the day after

Yeah, I’m sure someone trained an AI network with millions of pictures of plucked chickens to create this fake video.

Decadent really means that even though this fake brownie the size of a postage stamp is fat free, low calorie, low salt gluten and dairy free, you should still feel guilty about eating it.

don’t forget to work “decadent” or “decadence” in there. Or does that only go with Chocolate-based snacks? I always hated the concept that anything even slightly pleasurable (especially when it’s wedged into some sort of 100 calorie lifestyle pack) is marketed as “decadent”.

Yes you are. Please report to the nearest re-programming facility.

Or not. People can heal from trauma. With counseling, she may not be afraid forever. This doesn’t diminish what she’s already suffered, just pointing out that assuming victims of crimes will always be damaged and afraid does survivors a disservice.

How can Free Radical call himself a nerd yet claim that he couldn’t find anything on the subject he asked about? Isolated nerd, my ass. If you claim to love The Root so much, then you already know the answer.

Ima just say it: FreeRadical is full of shit. I went to HS with plenty of his type, he already knew the answer was no but he was just hoping against hope that youd give him some sort of magical scenario in which it would be okay because youre his friend. Because a lot of white people think we value contact with them

And in those countries, there are very complex processes for getting a gun. It can take several years upon applying to get a license to own one - unlike the US where getting one is easier than getting a driver’s license. Also, most european nations don’t allow ownership of handguns, just rifles (hunting rifles, not

Take all the guns.

Okay, but is there going to be a cruise to Scary Island?

There were soooo many memes about that hat. This one was my favorite.

Conservatives: Support our vets !

Sure, I support people who are conscientious objectors too. But to dodge the the draft, then attack others who actually did serve, while risking people who are currently serving? Uh, no. No sympathy there.

I recently left a ten+ year marriage that has been miserable for years. I knew the end would be messy, messy, messy, and I thought that as long as the day-to-day stayed on the better side of the nightmare that the ending was sure to be, I was doing myself and my kids a huge favor.


Really? Who are Black women oppressing? Who are non-White Latina women oppressing?

nope. that’s not the point.

This has been going on for decades, basically since the late 1990s when the Tohono O’odham Nation, which predates the existence of Mexico and the US, was militarized by the Border Patrol. Border Patrol has sabotaged water supplies for the migrants, run over vegetable gardens in Tohono O’odham villages, banned

No one is arguing that women shouldn’t feel empowered to leave situations they want to leave. The problem is the idea that we need to talk less about men’s behavior and more about women’s, as if the last three months have totally erased everything that came before.