I Am B Spears

Notice, I didn’t post a

Let me see a goddamn wolf spider in my house, and I can tell you I’m not looking for a lighter, a shoe, nothing. I am leaving. Transferring all the bills to the spider and keeping it moving. We’ll both live in peace, just far far apart.

I took it as creating and image that demythologizes the “other side.” Like writers of shows we all know and enjoy aren’t bestowed with, like, MORE charm and MORE luck and MORE something the rest of us commoners can only dream of. She just met these guys and was like, “Hey... you could be, like, my roommate’s ex...

As a professional, it pains me to see black folks get up in arms over the Golden Globes. The Golden Globes are like that guy at the club that is too pressed to buy you a drink. The Foreign Press Association is made up of 90 white journalists from (maybe an Asian one or two) from outside of the US. When I see folks get

My son just walked in the room and said, “Wow, that’s a cool picture!” He’s 11 and knows these things

A lot more freezing cold days coming for those kids if their parents lose their jobs. And “day drinking”? Fuck you.

The alternative is to expect the school system to do the bare minimum to ensure their buildings are up to code. And if they can’t do that, then it’s field trip day to whatever natural history museum has working heat imo.

Because they have jobs and can’t afford daycare?

Not quite sure why everyone

Green light or no, if you hit someone in the intersection you’re a problem. You’re not allowed to just plow into shit because you have the light and the right of way.

Leave Hazel alone! She’s a teen!

Cystic fibrosis makes men infertile.

Have you adopted? I am asking because it is not easy. It’s also not asked of couples not dealing with infertility or illness on the reg. In fact, her husband having cystic fibrosis also could count them out from adoption. Private adoption is expensive (as much as three rounds of IVF at my clinic, if you pay out of


So Sandra Bullock’s doing the eating in every scene bit that Brad Pitt did in the original trilogy? Good, because that’s the only reason I watched the first three films. If someones’ not literally chewing the scenery, I’m not interested. I hope she gets some meaty scenes with like a mile-high pastrami or something

Gingy, please.

I missed the George Zimmerman thing. How is he claiming he’s gonna beat up a grown ass man when, by his story, he got his ass whooped by a 16 year-old child he was stalking so badly he had to use a gun? That bitch ass couldn’t fight himself out of a wet paper sack.

I know what your saying, so please stop explaining.

That was such a fun episode.