I Am B Spears

This is actually a myth. The data is pretty easy to collect (we do it every two years) and it’s pretty accurate. When kids are given the opportunity and it’s safe to tell the truth, they do. We just reinforce the message that talking about sex is wrong, so they don’t do it openly and honestly often. When you give them

OT, but: Who are these people who are fans of both the Kardashians and Pink Floyd? That is a Venn Diagram with no overlap, y’all. As a White Old and Pink Floyd fan, I’m baffled by everything about this decision.

As the article notes, having a strong case and having the money to pursue that case are not the same thing. Zillow’s case is so laughably weak (esp. bc even if this wasn’t clear fair use, Zillow doesn’t own the photos anyway) that I’m 99% sure they thought that, precisely because she IS a 23 year old woman, they could

Big Brother starts tonight. Wheeeeee!

All of these quotes sound like they’ve been pulled bad 6th grade reports.

And all the old studies too.

Fixed it for you.

it was barron.... he’s good at the cyber.....

Your opinion lacks nuance and reeks of sexism, of which you are certainly aware. I get secondhand exhaustion watching people like you engage in what I assume you think is clever, covert trolling. You like the idea of coming to a feminist website and taking part in discussions in an initialy congenial fashion,

I’m not an ally

Someone I know has a pug named Egg Roll.

While there are many reasons to hate Paris Hilton, I’ve always respected that she seems to take decent care of her pets. She keeps all her dogs and doesn’t have an unreasonable amount for the resources and space she can provide.

Or—and bear with me on this because it’s a radical concept—she experiences a high level of racism as a Black woman with a bit of change in her pocket and instead of just dealing with it as most of us do on a regular basis, has decided to call it out more often.

lol, in-bread dogs

I bet Princess Noor is the HUGEST fan of Flaritza’s YouTube channel.

Anti-Vaxxers should have their children taken away for child endangerment. They (the adults) should be placed on an island and exposed to Bubonic Plague. Let their “natural immunity” develop.

This isn’t about questioning your doctor, though, it’s questioning all the doctors in the whole world.

Those are two totally different issues, though. Not a good comparison.

This is sad because as black people, we have legitimate reasons to fear the government when it comes to medical procedures. We’ve been unwillingly sterilized, unknowingly given syphilis, and had our cells unknowingly used to create vaccines and make medicine for the common world without compensation or consent. That

#notallwhitewomen amirite?