I Am B Spears

I’ve been in 3 bomb incidents in the UK - one explosion and two mass evacuations and defused bombs.

We have all that (been dealing with terrorism for much longer than the US). As liz.lemonade says, it was outside the security perimeter, and “well” timed.

My brother in law’s sister is yet to be accounted for (their father is also a paramedic currently attending the scene) we’re shitting bricks right now. If it *is* a terrorist attack, they’ve selected a gig that lots of children were likely to attend, and waited for the rush of people leaving to peak. That’s some

This show is still a treasure, and such a perfect encapsulation of blissful pre-financial crisis America. Just Nick and Jessica in their shitty McMansion, eating Chicken of the Sea on their white leather sectional.

It’d be very interesting to see a show about the PHSCC (“Public Health Corps”).

What would stop you from putting them back on once liberated?

...and yet, she persisted...

*She. :) Don’t fuck around with mothers of any species.

I’m only sad that the elephant that killed him died.

Because fox’s ledes so far this afternoon have been Wiener and dam leaks. (I wish I was kidding)

The pot smoking scene can still make me laugh until I literally cry. The way DJ’s name sounded so weird to them....”Deeeeee Jaaaaaaay”, just that little bit about his name, made it so real for me.

“Even if the movie is awful, we are going to enjoy two hours of The Rock, and that ain’t a bad deal.” - My Mother

My favorite part of the Avril is dead conspiracy is that is started in south America and there is a blog called: Avril Esta Morta , sometimes I whisper this to people on the subway.

I think everyone agrees that artists need to be paid, and that artistic theft is a huge deal and needs to be addressed, however, calling people “demons” and “disgusting” and basically making yourself look juvenile in the process is exactly what happens in high school. I agree, the shitty statement (which at first was

- two magazines, both starting with the letter L, which is honestly the most confusing part

I will be honest and say that I made that comment desperately hoping that Joanna would star it.

I don’t know if it’s just my general state of feeling a bit unhinged or what, but I just legit cackled at that for five solid minutes.

She’s dead behind the eyes. She couldn’t act her way out of a paper bag. She should not be on film or on stage