I Am B Spears

Brave dogs are the best, and brave big dogs are the double best. True story: I fell asleep on the couch one night in the room right by our kitchen, which has a deck attached. There’s a sliding door to the deck, and we don’t usually lock it, because we’re privileged, entitled assholes. Anyhoo, as I was sleeping (my

Oh man, I seriously hope someone robs that dude’s house and police officer is like “hey, you should be grateful someone thinks your stuff is nice enough to steal. Let’s leave it at that sweetcheeks.”

They are the handwash-only plastic mug with the company logo.

shamelessly reposting this image

I’m not pissing on your leg, its raining.

I’m going to fucking die: “Rename your Anxiety Excitement.”

I love Wanda so much.

Yeah, but I can’t stop looking at the pecs on the little ‘cake’ Rande Gerberand the moobs on George and speculating: Did Amal specify this on the order form?

i mean yeah if you offered me some for free i’d scrape off the pound of fondant and hoover it.

Watch Grace & Frankie instead.

All the bottles are still white, tho.

I cannot defend it as a good movie, but I’ve always had a bizarre love for “Wildcats”
Goldie stars as a suprisingly on-it coach who is trying to control a super-stereotyped inner-city HS football team lead by Wesley Snipes and Woody Harrelson, both of whom look like they are 13 years old.

Overboard is my personal favorite. God, I’ve seen it a million times!

This is not some innate cultural feature; merely sloppy, uneducated poor English; and people who speak poor English typically stay poor.

Go fuck yourself. From deep down in the bottom of my very own whiteness, go fuck yourself.

Before the next time you feel like harping on “uneducated, poor English,” would you like some grammar pointers? Literally every sentence you wrote has a red flag.

You know, I see the point you are (somewhat poorly) trying to make, but that’s not the point of this article. The problem is that too many people see “speaking properly” not as a “human value” but as a solely WHITE value.

I am a retired children’s librarian ...

And now every day, I ask myself, is it fascism now? And so if we don’t stand up while we still have some modicum of democracy, it’ll be too late.