I Am B Spears

Full list of references or gtfo, my dude.

Any man who speaks about abortion should have to provide at least 5 referral letters from real women who he has spent more than 20 minutes with and at least one romantic partner. Also they need to be able to point out he essential parts of lady anatomy otherwise SHUT UP

I had to get an abortion back before Roe V Wade so I did do some exciting travel.

They’re....not usually wrong though.

Serif fonts always pixelate more than sans-serif, no matter the resolution. That’s a big one for me. But most people are so used to a word processor that they go with default fonts they remember.

When I got up that morning, I was almost shaking when I put my “pantsuit” on. My polling place is right across the street, so I stopped in on my way to work. What a gorgeous day it was in NYC. I was practically skipping around the city, curls bouncing, so sure it would happen.

There was a reporter from Brietbart
Who showed once again Spicer ain’t smart.
He busted Sean’s balls
Over fences and walls.
The right is tearing itself apart.

🎶 Just another dick and a wall 🎶

It’s not our fault people still don’t know how to use computers in 2017.


Gave all of us IT guys a good chuckle.

It could’ve been you, Hill. I will never stop being sad.

It’s got the trifecta of pure cluelessness: A stupid name, vapid millenials, and Ja Rule. Throw in a Kardashian/Jenner and a Hadid for flavoring and you’ve got yourself the makings of comedy gold. Seriously, you could not have asked for a more hilarious outcome.

If it could be combined with the YouTuber Fruititarian shenanigans somehow I would be there for it 24/7.

Jamie Dornan came in for a meeting at my office once and asked for “fizzy water” in his gorgeous Irish accent. We all just about damn near passed out. Not really relevant, but appreciate the words regardless.

I am a grouch. I keep a lot inside. My inevitable senility is going to be eye-opening for those around me.

This comment is grouchy in a way I can REALLY relate to!

I kind of adore that he calls it “fizzy water” mainly because I’m tired of being judged when I order it like that in a restaurant. “you mean a club soda?” - water with bubbles. I don’t care what you call it. Stick a lime in it and leave me the hell alone.

Dat bitch needs to floss her fucking teeth, damn.