I Am B Spears


(Toxic) Shocking!

They would have fired her a long time ago, but her string broke off so they had to remove her the hard way. 

I see your period and raise you a question mark.

Right! In fact, very laudable. It’s the wearing of the mantle that causes my suspicion.

I’ve said this before, but I don’t understand why the left is always expected to cede ground to the right. Both politically (which is another issue altogether) and in terms of tone. This is a person whose job it is to defend someone who’s perpetrating bald racism, sexual assault, nationalism, and the systematic

The real question is: what does Kellyanne Conway owe to Feminism? Before first-wave feminism women weren’t allowed into universities and law schools. Before second-wave feminism her chances of being let into those schools would still have the been slim. Once out, she wouldn’t have gotten anywhere NEAR the White House

That’s what you think...

I’ll probably get a lot of flack for this but damnit I thoroughly enjoy Love Actually. I also think a “sequel” that’s only ten minutes long and for charity (!) is the best possible remake scenario.

sorry prachi! i was trying to be parodic, but that might not be where the country is right now - lunacy is the new norm.

These people are stork raving mad.

This is what I hear when I see that fucking haircut.

Exactly what made these kids foreign? Is it some school that recruits international students? Or is it that they were visibly nonwhite?

Most of my family and friends in the U.S. (all Indian) are extremely educated professionals: a post-doc research scientist, many are E.R. doctors, surgeons, a former government advisor economist, etc. I wonder how many of them took those highly skilled jobs away from Trump supporters like this:

He just means his reaction. He’s saying he would have helped anybody in a similar situation.

You elucidate one of the most difficult aspects of the process of adulthood and individuation. A therapist once said to me: Your family may be insane. But you are not. Stop trying to justify/integrate their insanity. Stop trying to rescue. Let other people sit in their own stew. Protect your own soul.

Didn’t go to the ED when his erection lasted more than 4 hours and now he’s stuck like that forever. :(

Or ‘more ok’ - it’s actually a common argument people make, sadly.

I’m cool with 15 year old choosing to have an abortion, just as I’m cool with anyone choosing to have an abortion. Their body, their choice, you know the drill. I’m not cool with anyone being forced to abort a child against their will because that’s a violation of their bodies and reproductive agency.

Good to see he’s moving on from Heidi Klum