I Am B Spears

I’m glad you’re ok. I thought maybe you died while typing.

I think the only reasonable solution is some kind of no-holds-barred battle royale to the death with the trainers and staff. Just put all 11 orcas and all the people in the pool until only one person or whale is left, then they are king of Sea World.

Santa Clarita Diet is not good. I have no idea why it’s been getting positive reviews. The premise is cool, but it’s the same one-note joke and situations over and over again with some over-the-top bloodshed injected for edginess, I guess. And I say this as someone who really likes Drew Barrymore. Not good.



Sorry but touting yourself as “moderately well-educated” while stating that you are presently writing your dissertation for not your 1st but your 2nd doctorate is the most ridiculous humble brag and also evidence that you are completely unaware of the average educational accomplishments of the world around you. Less

Matthew Macfayden Darcy or GTFO.

My wife and I agreed to each tell our closest friend (In her case her sister, in my case an old friend) pretty much as soon as we had the positive pregnancy test. We’d been trying for 3 years and wanted to share the exiting news, and also have that support just in case the worst happened. (everything went more than

Another great headline today:

I don’t come here to have to google people, Bobby...

that would be the prestigious Mansplainer University. The oldest of the ivys, it boasts such an impressive list of alumni, we can’t fit them on this page. MU was forced to start admitting women (.005% of the student body) but only after they sign a form acknowledging that they attending a lecture by a Male Professor

Get out of here. You know that the Munchkins are not sending their best and brightest. The Munchkins are sending rapists and criminals. They’re bringing problems with them. They’re bringing drugs, and they’re bringing crime. And a few Munchkins, I assume, are good people.

“always pushing me to do the right thing”

I don’t know why this struck a chord with me, but it did. Just like the picture of the Syrian boy from last year, who was found in rubble, covered in soot, and bloody squeezed my heart. Yeah, #allkidsmatter, but some cases stick with you more than others.

I cannot tell you how much I’ve been holding my breath regarding Maddie Aldridge’s recovery. For some reason, hearing about her accident really got to me and all I could think was, “Dear God don’t let that child die.” I cast no judgement regarding whether or not she should have been on the ATV. I’m just cheering

Not from Houston originally but I did live there for a couple of years. Dallas and Houston are nothing alike. The best way I can describe it, Houston is Dallas’ poorer trashier cousin. Kinda like Anna Nicole’s Cousin Shelly. But Houston kinda embraces their scrappier selves. Dallas’ full of snobs and nouveau riche

I am a public school teacher. I am sitting at my desk, which is in a classroom in a public school full of minorities and SpEd students, and I am weeping. I have about 9 minutes left on my lunch break, and I don’t know that I can pull it together in time. I am crushed, absolutely gutted. I am afraid for my students, I

I’m on my lunch break eating a plate of chips with melted cheese on them. You can take your fat shaming elsewhere.

She stole that part from a real Asian actress like Emma Stone.

Honorable Judge Brown, I have been waiting since Tuesday to post this for your consideration. Be it shade?