I Am B Spears

I don’t think its a weird thing to say-the article is explaining why her initial charge under the fetal assault act-which was specific to drug use by pregnant women-was dropped and the new charges filed under other statutes. I’m not sure why you are continuing this train of thought. It seems fairly obvious that, in

That was bad and unethical, but that’s not what “fake news” means. Conservative media is deliberately using the term in an overbroad way to render it meaningless and obfuscate a very serious problem. We have to stop helping them.

This happened to me and it is not equivalent to an abortion.

From the NYT:

The coat hanger method has been around for a long, long time (and women have been dying from it for a long, long time). If you can’t imagine the kind of desperation that would induce a person to risk permanent damage, hemorrhage and death, then you can’t imagine what it means to be pregnant when you don’t want to be.

We have reached peak mansplaining. A man is mansplaining how a desperate woman should do a diy abortion. This is some shit.

Coat hangers have always been a popular abortion method whenever access has been denied. Yes, I understand the visceral reaction—omg omg omg I can’t imagine sticking a coat hanger in THERE—but I think people are reacting to what seems like disingenuousness on your part. You seem to be pretending(?) that you aren’t

While I do not know her story, I would assume that it is possible that there are situations where, despite it being 2017, a woman might think she has no other option. Perhaps she was in a location where access to an abortion clinic is difficult and expensive, and she wouldn’t have been able to get there without


It’s a combination of that under bite, the awful limp hair that I’m sure has been that same tinny shade of blonde for 15 years and was probably originally a light, mousy brown, and the look of pure shit emanating from her cold, dead eyes.

I’m the same. I just read the transcripts bc I.CAN’T. with her on video. Nope. This clip is safe to watch, though, even for us. I did. Because she’s out of her element, on a very liberal show, with a VERY established and famously popular host who actually ROASTED Cheeto at the WHCD one year!

Beautifully said.

He’s a murderer, a terrorist, an unapologetic racist, and an evil piece of shit.

Mine goes to the National Network of Abortion funds—I work for a Republican, so whenever I buy things off Amazon for work using my corporate card I feel an intense sense of smugness that the company is donating to abortions.

Mother Nature has ways to just shut that whole thing down, obvs.

They terminated the march when the weather didn’t make it viable any longer.

Yeah, make this your hill to die on. Solid choice.

filed to: “if i did it”

A national tragedy. In a better world, Michelle would be showing Bill where she hid mini fridges in the WH full of Bud Light.

Or Rune’s!