I Am B Spears

Fuck this guy and his smug fucking face

Maybe she IS god?

“The problem with the death penalty isn’t the people who deserve it. It’s the people who don’t.”

The problem with the death penalty isn’t the people who deserve it. It’s the people who don’t.

I mean, this is one of those examples where I absolutely agree that my own personal feelings get in the way of what I know rationally to be correct. I know rationally that the death penalty is wrong and I believe wholeheartedly that it should be abolished, but my own feelings right now are that if Dylann Roof is

I for one look forward to a future in which I am forced to name my son Bob Peniscrotch.

The entire Republican strategy is exploiting the innate human tendency to fear and loathe people who are different so their base of useful idiots doesn’t know they’re robbing them blind.

All men are named Michael and all women are Janet!

cut spending. bring in revenue.

How would you describe Billy Bush?

Once, I got mad at my husband (like, crying mad) because he gave me a necklace while I was in a serious postpartum hormonal stew fugue state and while he was giving it to me, HE HAD CHEESE IN HIS MOUTH. I couldn’t wait to tell someone what a fucking monster he was and when my girlfriend called 5 minutes later and I

like Jack Johnson

shit’ll be lit fam

He was only off by two feet.

I’ve been home watching TV for the past 10 days and I’m now convinced the only pillow worthy of my head is the Magic Pillow

President Gunn’s State of the Union:

Hmnnn, lemme try. *Ahem* “Oh wow, hi Ivanka! So nice to meet you! You are giving me ‘flying with the peasants’ realness right now, I love those sweats!”

Everybody in the comments feeling bad for Ivanka........guess what, you’ve proven your inability to resist propaganda. They just recontextulized her as “just a mom trying to fly with her family.” And you are sucking it up. My god people. Have a cup of coffee and use some critical thinking. Coach? Jet Blue? No part of

Cool story bro. What’s your lane, commenting on every story all day long because heaven forbid we should miss out on your opinions?

Hollywood is especially tough on our Asian American actors and actresses. It’s really unfair.