I Am B Spears

“Bye, Buddy! Hope you find your dad!”

Fuck you Texas.

I’m not going to let you site calories as the concern if you’re talking about bacon as your preference. You can say carbs, if you’re one of those Amstel light motherfuckers, but I won’t accept calories.
Besides, you counteract the sleepiness of the carbs by drinking heinous and unhealthy amounts of coffee. Then you

Did you just know that off the top of your head? No snark intended at all. I love that you know that.

Since the CDC has been effectively forbidden from studying gun violence to generate statistics, I don’t have any. What I do have is a personal certainty that having a gun at home makes it that much easier to escalate conflicts to the point one person (or more) is either hurt or dead.

I “left” my husband with our two toddler children for treatment states away from where we live—the guilt is real, and it is hot, and it is consuming. The second you realize you’re really there—and not where you feel like you should be (tucking your children in at night, giving baths, snuggling them and telling them

Thank you, Mouse!

I think he was performing at the Super Bowl one year and my super cynical father took a moment from bashing whatever it was he was bashing and stared at the screen in silence for the the remainder of his performance. When Bruno was done, all my dad said was, “wow, that guy is talented”.

But what does it mean to be “dignified” and why is okay to police behaviour and sexuality of those who are X age? Why should she uphold societal expectations and definitions of dignity instead of resisting and doing what she chooses? Why was Prince’s sexuality always a positive and not hers?

Good for Lamar. The pro-active approach shows that he’s taking his recovery pretty seriously. I wish him the best. I’m planning on entering a residential treatment facility for depression after the holidays. I’m terrified but I can’t keep living the way I have been for the past 3 years. The hardest hurdle for me to

It... doesn’t sound like you’re against it at all.

Well, her hair is already dead because she dyes it too much. Seriously Kellyanne just give up and wear a wig at this point.

I’m pretty sure she is dead.

He just went on CNN and discussed how the Birther madness hindered him. I’m not sure what white more white progressives want from other than to be shot in the name of their cause.

I vote high tie. The high tie just looks a little more polished. The low tie is when he gets off of work and is headed to happy hour.

Why does anyone think she cares or is going to listen to any of this? Because she’s a woman? So is KellyAnne Conway. Ivanka has made it painfully clear where she stands on her father’s political career.

Goodbye Yellow Haired Toad

“Hold Me Closer, Tiny Hands Sir...”

This was the cover of my family’s Christmas card this year. We decided to eschew perfection in favor of honesty. It’s been very well received.

Ours is just our infant son sitting on a blanket draped couch holding a Christmas tree.