
Suck it up, Nancy. You don’t think our boys on D-Day wished they could have used “tendonitis” as an excuse? Well guess what. They didn’t. Because they had a job to do. And they didn’t storm the beaches of Normandy and fight fascists across western Europe just so you could wheeze and moan about “inflammation,” you

You mean like the anti-Trump crowd that repeatedly bullies anyone that voted for Trump or even suggests giving the incoming President an actual chance to fuck things up before crucifying him?

Wow, Assange “helped ruin” America now? Because ... something something DNC leaks, something Putin ... Step 3 Trump?

The problem is not with Wikileaks and the data dumps so much as it is with Assange himself. Wikileaks was well-regarded up until recently because it didn’t have a political agenda. Now, Wikileaks is just another entity that controls the dissemination of information on their schedule and according to their political

Dear idiots,

Not gonna lie, the way people are absolutely losing their shit at anything remotely connected to Russia (see: the completely bogus ‘Russia’s HACKING THE ELECTRICAL GRID!!!’ story), I wouldn’t be surprised if some tech at C-SPAN did it deliberately for shits and giggles just to watch people freak out.

And you can have quick appointments in the UK if you go for private healthcare. It’s also an option there, you know? Also emergency procedures I’m quite sure don’t make you wait 18 months. So if you get shot you go straight in.

In the US, however, you either declare bankruptcy because you broke a leg or you die out

Right, she saved Hatti... unless of course you ask a Haitian. Then they will ask you where all that Clinton Foundation money went.... Hitchens was completely correct in his analysis of the Clintons, they are world class con artists.

Anyone else think this is a bad thing? I’m not for denying the holocaust please dont jump to that conclusion.

I’m going to take the libertarian view to this and simply say we need to stop getting hung up on gender and race when hiring, unless there is a clear pattern of discrimination.

Asian workers are 44 percent of overall staff (way too many) but only 19 percent of senior positions (way too many). Meanwhile, white workers are 48 percent of staff (way too low) and 73 percent of senior execs (just right).

Where are the workers categorized by age? Absolutely none of the tech companies ever want to discuss age discrimination.

Well yeah, it’s kind of an easy thing to get a guy arrested.

Well clearly her ex was a Russian plant by Putin, and purveyor of fake news, and misogynist and racist, and a privileged BernieBro Stein voter. That’s the only reason Clinton lost...I mean, why this poor woman was forced to defend herself by doing this.

Would of been better if Hillary didn’t run at all. Don’t blame Stein.

No, it is not. Go fuck yourself.

So this is going to be a legit thing now?

This might be worse than Trump being in office. The fact that morons will be spouting this non-stop for 4 years.

How about a candidate who snookers the primary despite being both less electible and less enthusiastic about actually instituting good policy?

Yeah but you are wrong. That is all.

The missus smacked me around a bit for the 3rd time in our 17 year marriage -i never even raised a finger -ever!