
Their earlier tweets are pretty corny and tone-deaf. But, to be fair, they say that delivery is 90% of comedy, and DiGiorno doesn't do delivery.

Berman: When Ray Rice entered the elevator, he swung at Janey and she went back-back-back-back-back-back-back to the wall.

Elvis Andrus has a new mission.

Ray Lewis: There is no comparison of me and Ray Rice. I'm far more similar to Aaron Hernandez.

Welcome to Kinja, Mr. Goodell.

I wasn't going to post this, but Greg apparently creepshotted me and in general has organized his thoughts and arguments exactly like a middle school bully. So, the author, in his everyday wardrobe:

You know what else may not make you cool, but is also a pretty infallible indicator of cool? Liberal application of Gold Bond Medicated Powder.

Totally. In the email to Deadspin the dude was like "As any guy would, I told the guy to fuck off"....he left out the part where he then bro'd it out with him about how DOPE naked chicks are.

Host: Amsinger!

Bow chika wow woooow

Did you not watch the fights? The judge was completely batshit, and his scoring was indefensible. Framing this as "Dana White has a sketchy amount of power" instead of "the Mafia tried to fix a card in Macau but only succeeded in fixing the first two fights" is nuts.

Well, the Trojan is broken, but at least he pulled the little guy out in time.

Some other good ones. I still at a disconnect to think the headline of 'terrible people' is unfair if we don't know the full story? I am in no way taking a side in this, and the police are out of control...but if in a week a cell phone video of Darren Wilson getting fucked up and wrestling for the gun and being attacked again

Stanley was confronted by a ghost. He had seen the ghost before, time and time again. Stanley had long since lost his fear of the ghost and just wondered why he couldn't grab the keys by the front entrance and walk out of the house. Stanley stood there and pondered this for a moment and decided to reset the hallway

"Daddy, what's a rumble sea

Now playing

And yet, may not be the most impressive competitive feat done by a guy named Daigo.