
Wow, Mark Wohlers, still missing the target after all these years.


jon gugala was fired by runners world for insulting women excessively and repeatedly in 2012

Why throw that last bit in there? Do you have any evidence that a) the bandit runners even took a medal, or b) that they are selling them? Or are you just trying to keep the pretend controversy that you made up in the first place going?

The NBA isn't the government. They're businessmen, and he's becoming bad for business.

"Fixation"? I'm gonna have to see your math on that.



"Kevin has played like an MVP and his will likely be a hall of famer when it's all said and done, but Minnesota's lack of playoff success will make the league's best power forward think about leaving sooner than later," the sports writer copied and pasted from his 2006 article.

I don't get it. Is this fella's name Hulk or Hogan? Is this another footy term I'm unfamiliar with? WHY WON'T YOU BRING BACK THE VIRGILBAG?!?!

oh you mean the ps4 900p 60fps

I really don't get the "shades of gray" part of Wolf of Wall Street. Name me one part of the movie where Jordan Belfort is not being a thoroughly awful human being. Name me one part of the movie where we are not meant to THINK Jordan Belfort is a thoroughly awful human being. Just one. I'll wait.

Looks like it's happening.

...and France are ripping Ukraine apart at the moment.

I would be surprised if France DOESN'T advance.

As with anything involving Brandon Jennings and J.R. Smith, less than 40% of the shots actually connected.

Andrea Bargnani thought about jumping to help J.R. Smith's defense, but ended up just watching.

"I am going to flick her without a condom and cook in her condo."