It's A Burner

Not to mention they weren’t recording Flynn’s calls - they were monitoring the calls of the Russian he contacted. Great company to keep, Mikey.

I know this is mostly unrelated to Penn State football, but once again: how do they still have a program? What the fuck even matters now?

That’s ridiculous to suggest. Dirk Nowitzki is a 7 footer who shoots 88% career from the FT line - arguably one of the best free throw shooters to ever play. However, Dirk is bad defender - much worse than someone like Ben Wallace, who Dirk is 3 inches taller than and shot a 42% from the free throw line in his career.

I’m a Mavs fan who will forever resent Deandre Jordan but even I’m sick of people attributing his terrible free throw game to just “he’s not doing enough to fix it.”

Most shocked to learn that the 72 year old Rick Barry has a 23 year old son. I realize it’s not that weird, but still, he’s already had one kid play an entire pretty successful NBA career and now has another one just wrapping up college.

Julian Castro was fined for this last year because he endorsed Hillary Clinton. And since things are exactly the same as they were last year I’m sure that Conway will face a similar punishment as opposed to no punishment at all.

This is extremely concerning.

Ted would love this reference!

It truly isn’t.

PICTURED: Kraft pitching Bon Jovi on a great actress he knows for his next music video

I’m curious why you find the accents insulting? I believe the characters are immigrants from Taiwan, right? Their English likely would be broken and accent-ridden. Are there intricacies that are missing? I’m not being facetious, legitimately curious.

Anyone watching an Indiana basketball game in the middle of the afternoon on a Sunday would’ve already yelled at their TV how they didn’t like that bad sportsmanship.

I certainly have no problem with BuzzFeed sharing the dossier. I was mainly concerned with how they framed its existence. They sort of put it forward as if Trump and POTUS were unaware of its existence (and buried that lede at the end of the second paragraph of their post). This is an important fact and was

Pretty sure Nate Silver was the only person consistently warning that Clinton did not have the election in the bag due to the high degree of uncertainty. Anger for him comes from people refusing to separate probabilities and predictions.

All I got out of this story is that you don’t know who Julie Andrews is.

Missed opportunity for “Huge Cock” tag

Mauer was a part of the officiating crew in the 2006 Finals in which the Mavs lost to the Heat. Make of that what you will.


As a Cowboys fan, I am used to other fans ready to bury Romo at a moment’s notice, but this seems like a no-brainer to me: if Romo is healthy and the doctors/Tony agree that he is, you start him.