
Sure, I mean i’d take being swallowed and painfully dissolved in a giant fish’s stomach over being bitten in half and swiftly bleeding to death any day.

Thanks for those comments, I was this close to trusting the world renowned and immensely commercially successful chef Gordon Ramsay, but thankfully you came along with your personal opinion and saved the day.

No, I don’t think it is. Kids getting cars for christmas should be able to accept they come with strings. If you (a parent) think they can’t, don’t get them a car.

Titans are 4-5, they aren’t as bad as you ‘Member.

Saying the Titans amongst the worst teams in football is as fresh a take as saying the Raiders are a shit team. Not this year. The Bears on the other hand do suck balls. The Lions are a passable team and Stafford is a reasonably talented quarterback, he’d be better with a better O line, but it’s still the Lions front

The crap about Hillary really isn’t a big deal. Right wing nuts are making you think it is. Don’t fall for headlines so badly, research things.

lol, you’re crazy.