
I go on dating websites specifically to look at ( and judge) what's in the background of people's photos. Sometimes I'll send them helpful hints on how they can improve their interior design. Though sometimes I'm left with no choice other than to recommend a full demolition and rebuild.

I assume this culminated in a three-way. Four-way if you count the poor ottoman that had already been raped three times.

I had sex with a male stripper once. Twice actually (the same one). It was fantastic. Until I found out he was HIV positive. In retrospect I really should have seen that coming. Oh well, I learned a valuable lesson - don't have sex with man-whores. But it was still very good sex...

I'm not even remotely aroused.

On the plus side I'm apparently now flame retardant.

The Bush II Whitehouse coined the term "Climate Change".

Which is why we, as developed nations, have an obligation to assist developing nations to implement cleaner or renewable energy production technologies. But given that we can't even bring ourselves to do it in our own nations because it might cost slightly more, the existence of such an obligation is somewhat of a

You started out by generalizing about all liberals and Democrats. I just followed your lead. You're the bigot here. I know that you think you win some points by calling me a bigot, but you don't. Why? Because I know, and an reasonable person reading this knows, that you are full of shit.

First of all, the frog in the boiling water thing is made up bullshit. Secondly, it's a consumer warning label on soda. Get a fucking grip. It's not being banned. It's not being restricted. People are simply being warned that consumption of soda may lead the health problems. Which is completely factual. There are

A warning label on a product does not come anywhere close to violating any part of the constitution. Calm down.

The biggest factor in favor of a new canal is that modern cargo ships are too large to fit through the Panama Canal. Panama can't widen the canal without closing it and thus negatively impacting world trade. But if someone else, say Nicaragua, were to build a canal, once it opened Panama could close its canal in order

Eh. North Korea doesn't have nukes. They've got bits of nukes but they lost the Ikea assembly instructions and they can't figure out how they go together. Besides, if they ever do figure it out they're only going to nuke Japan. Big deal. America's already done that to Japan. And Japan's already done it to themselves.

I won't lie, I'm a little disappointed that only actual countries appear on the list. I was hoping for maybe "Pluto" or "Pandora". Perhaps "Spongebob Squarepants" or "Nelson Mandela". Or maybe something traditional like "Liberals" just good ol' fashioned "Fags".

"Strangely"? 25% of Americans don't know the Earth revolves around the Sun. Yet 1% of Americans definitely know that South Korea is a country. That's fucking amazing by comparison.

Don't you remember when France was all like "We think your reasons for wanting to invade Iraq are made up bullshit" (which of course they totally were) and America was all like "We're renaming French Fries Freedom Fries in the Congress cafeteria (because we're fucking stupid and apparently Republican Congressional

Gymnastics and ballet are fucking hardcore. There's nothing "girly" about them at all. Okay, well maybe the outfits, but the activities themselves are extremely demanding.

What, likes she's in any way salvageable at this point? He's cutting his losses. As he should. She stabbed a man 20 times - to death - for shits and giggles. She's human garbage. At this point, I don't much care how she ended up that way. Put a bullet between her eyes on let's all just move on.

She's a liar. And an incompetent murderer. Her sloppy standard of killing may make the grade in Alaska, but she's going to have to lift her game in the Lower 48 if she wants to make a name for herself.

Okay, I have slightly more sympathy for her now. Her mother is a, let's be honest, a monster. Doe she even experience human emotions? Is she just a robot with a frowny face? Or an alien from the planet Apathy perhaps?

"She felt a lump in her left breast that was already three centimeters in diameter."