After the first child's death all their children should have been removed and both of them should have been sterilized.
After the first child's death all their children should have been removed and both of them should have been sterilized.
Japanese society has a major issue with denial when it comes to their pre-1945 atrocities. Many younger Japanese people have absolutely no idea what they did. Unlike Germans who were made to confront the things they did, the Japanese - thanks to the post-war greed of the United States - were never made to even…
I think you're seeing depth where none exists.
You Jezebel gals really do love picky other women to pieces, don't you.
So as someone who's lived there, what's your take on the situation? Are Yanukovich and the Party of Regions just agents of Russian interests, as they appear to be?
Two points:
I don't understand why the display of the Confederate flag isn't regarded as an act of treason. Plus the Confederacy had their ass handed to them so I'm not exactly sure what there is to be proud about.
So we can pry your soda from your cold, dead hand then?
I think you need to look up what the word "gentrification" means. Hint: it doesn't involve knocking buildings down or building new ones. I think you think that "gentrification" means the same as "redevelopment". It doesn't.
I know sarcasm. I like sarcasm. I don't think that was sarcasm.
I for one am getting a little tired of women wearing ridiculous dresses that have a 95% chance of flashing everyone their vagina. Stop it with the crotch splits, drop the hemlines and put some fucking underwear on.
When I got my youngest cat from the animal shelter they had named him Wolverine. He looked a bit Wolveriney. I changed it though. Cats can only really cope with one or two syllable names.
You'll be pleased to know that I have no plans on breeding. Though I am not averse to raising one of your cast of bastards if necessary.
I am "they".
Holy bullshit justifications, Batman. That sure was some convoluted logic. I'm sure the animals will find the reassurances that they aren't "dead", they've just been "hunted" comforting.
Maybe it's the uncontrolled population of feral people that is the problem?
Survival of the fittest.
You were right the first time - you shouldn't have dignified my comments with that particular response. Isn't there a neighbor's cat you should be torturing or something? Fuck you and your hillbilly mindset. Fingers crossed one of your inbred cousins takes you out into the woods and hunts you for sport, you dumb cunt.
I never understood Dinobots. Wasn't the whole "robots in disguise" thing why Transformers changed from one thing to another? How how changing into a giant robotic dinosaur even remotely helpful?
I miss Fergie and her chubby little legs always getting into trouble. This lot are so boring. I wonder what she's up to. Probably running an internet scam or something.