
I’m now going to only read books by white men.


Because apparently it isn’t racist or sexist to specifically only read books NOT by white men, so by the same logic? it is NOT racist or sexist to only read books by white men.

That’s what I’m getting out of this.

Meanwhile, in Michigan...


Hackers are terrorists and need to be treated as such. Period.

Yes, it was formulaic and predictable at times, but that’s what happen when the fantasy is based off of familiar, classic literary tropes.

It was also an amazing Star Wars movie. It was a very good movie. There is a difference there.

It’s not going to change lives and win Oscars (it might for the actors) and go down in

Halo 1-3 had a pretty convoluted plot too, don’t kid yourself.

But yeah, they definitely screwed up the pacing and difficulty scaling.

Still doesn’t change the facts that if he a) wasn’t on PCP b) wasn’t carrying a knife c) pulled it out on the cops and d) if he actually complied with police orders...

He’d be alive.

Stupid kid made stupid choices and ended up dead because of those choices.

Race had nothing to do with it.

Unless you are telling me that

Or, I don’t know, the restaurants were simply better?

It’s like saying - I don’t like this shitty Mexican restaurant with $2 tacos. MUST BE A RACIST.

But saying, the $17 taco plate at “Authenti” Mexican Flavor Fusion Explosion in hip, uptown so and so ACTUALLY TASTES FUCKING DELICIOUS.


I’ve got like... 60 f’n moldering shards because I keep doing Hard Mode and we keep giving up after an hour or so on Oryx. Somebody always screws something up, something minor, but then BAM - it’s a wipe.

It’s not hard. Really it’s not. We’ve been trying both the “normal” strategy and cross-sniping the Knights, and the

I understand why they released a watered down, missing the entire single player campaign version for the XB360 and PS3, but I truly, truly hope that this holiday season is the LAST season where major titles are released for the old generation consoles.

How much better/how much more content would be in the current gen

Wow! Multiplatforms that are better on Xbox! GJ Sony!

Blame the industry that forces waiters to push as much product/drink as possible in order to make a decent night’s wage, if they are lucky/attractive enough.

Tipping is a highly archaic practice and needs to go.

I think this humorously parodies the fact that the real problem is stupidity, not race, as stupidity is a universally held trait in this country.

It’s the middle of a trilogy, like Halo 2 before it, does some thing really well (multiplayer) and some things kind of off (split protagonists, questionable story-telling/ending.)

The new movement/aiming etc. systems make Halo feel “modern” as a shooter though, and that right there is a HUGE addition to the series, and

Everyone should strictly obey a police officer’s commands. Everyone. Why? They are legally allowed to detain, arrest, assault, and/or kill you if you don’t comply.

As well it should be - it’s a dangerous job.

EVERYONE should respect an officer’s commands and comply 100% “like an submissive dog” because it is fucking

The real irony is that most white people are afraid of the police, and would never ever even consider defying an officer’s orders.

Where as in almost EVERY single case where force is used, there is defiance from the black suspect. The tennis star who was taken down was about the only modern example (known to the public

Sssshhhhh don’t tell the American people, we have to let this GOP shit slide so we can get 8 more years of progress w/ a Hillary win!

2000-2008 wasn’t that long ago people, don’t you remember how much it sucked?

A cool, confident, classy person can wear just about fcking anything and look attractive and awesome.

Case in point - 1. celebrities 2. me

Well played!

I read these and my initial reaction is always “no fucking way! How can people be so.... oh yeah... “people.””

Umm you all know that people should strive for a healthy body weight because, you know, it’s HEALTHY.

You know, live longer, enjoy life more, feel better, be more confident...

Are we giving up on health as an issue? Are we saying it is OK to be unhealthy, and to all those struggling to be more healthy - well, fuck it!