
Maybe in the next 50-100 years religion will finally die in civilized cultures - just imagine all the good works that will be done when people start looking at other people and actually see people.

Just imagine what could happen when everyone starts living for today.

Kind of downplay how amazing the TV integration is, especially with the ability to have TV as the snap-app.

So (for example) I was raiding Hard Mode King’s Fall in Destiny on Saturday while the TV app was pinned and I was watching the Spartan game.

Also you conveniently fail to mention how much more reliable XBL is over

Well dropping support for X360 and PS3 for Destiny 2 (or whatever is released in fall 2016) is the first step, Bungie.

You know, I’d say that everyone should work in the food service industry at some point, but I’ve also heard people who have worked (and in some cases still do work) in the industry be JUST as douche to their server because they “know how easy/hard/whatever this job is and blah blah blah” - some people are just

So you’re an idiot, great!

Glad I only skimmed this nonsense.

OMG thank you

Or, you know, black culture as a whole could reject the “thug life” mentality and actually stop being a threat to not only itself, but everyone else too. The threat people feel is justified. Sorry!