
That is a deeep cut.

Simple rules for spoilers:

Tina Fey in a moment of honesty allowed Donaghey to describe her thusly: ‘1JackSure. I got you. New York third-wave feminist, college educated, single and pretending to be happy about it, over scheduled, undersexed, you buy any magazine that says “healthy body image” on the cover, and every two years you take up

Sounds like you’re looking for closure closure, closure closure closure. 

Yeah, he has earned my money. I was blown away by “Us” and “Get Out.” He’s a guy who truly loves the art form of horror movies, and he’s super-smart regarding the script writing. Also has an original eye for how to shoot scenes that seem fresh and new. Student of the game.

Dollhouse was criminally underrated.

Here’s a few cheerful examples, with my paraphrasing of the articles:

Gonna reply to you anyway.

You’ve read a lot of discussion about it and never heard that incredible simple, direct explanation of it?  Yikes.  

Correct. Different things are different.

To anyone who is getting way too upset about this, I’m curious what your reaction is going to be once you have to start doing your own laundry, cleaning your own room and making your own meals.

It’s not a shocker that something from 1989 hasn’t aged great. It’s okay to think it wasn’t malicious and also think this is the right call.

But the first thing people think about with Apu is the over-the-top voice.

*Doesn’t need to check notes*

I wish nerd culture could ever let things go

AV Club still cool.  You click later!  Later!

“It’s trying SO HARD to be SO SERIOUS.”

So, it’s a movie then?

“It’s a fucking vampire movie but you’d think this is the second coming of Iron Man or something.”

Jesus, are you trying to sound as stupid as possible? 

If it wasn’t him, they would be advertising the hell out of Micheal Keaton being in the movie.

To this day, I can’t get over how well Jon Stewart pegged Megyn Kelly nine years ago, both in her positive qualities (namely, her ability to effortlessly filet a doofus), and her negative qualities (namely, her breathlessly cynical ability to argue for whatever happens to advantage her at the moment). He really summed

I like her stepsister Mary, to my surprise. They kind of teased her being a spoiled socialite like Arrow s1 Thea, but instead she has more on the ball than that, more like ... a later seasons on Arrow Thea