
White people are the only ones that believe joking about race is cool. They believe it is cool because they either believe that racism is “over” or that non-whites are sub-human.

The rest is bullshit made up by butthurt white folks. There’s nothing to it.

Plenty has been written on the subject. Google is your friend.

Plenty has been written about the subject. Google is your friend.

But, but, cops have it REAL tough, you guys, that’s why they have to rob bodegas and shoot unarmed people. The job is SOOOOOOOOO stressful.

How can you not care about a child being raped?

That would be great. A good start to that is for white women to stop acting as if black women don’t exist and work on issues that affect us.

I’d like to hear your thoughts about the country music’s misogyny as well.

The thing is she has a rudimentary understanding of feminism and is no different than katy perry in that respect.

If a Federal agency wants to enforce anything they need to have the local sheriff to go in and enforce the law standard procedure that most sheriff's are not even aware of and the federal government is aware of but they just get away with it anyway.

A second American Revolution? Nope. It would have ended with a bunch of dead white people.

People in their late thirties buying arcade games! Are you jealous?

The state doesn't get to decide your reproductive life. You do not have to apply for a child bearing license to have kids in the United States, so there is no moral or legal reason for the state to be in involved. If you feel otherwise, then you can always move to China where they have the 1 child rule. It's

The prosecutor is the state. If he feels that getting a blowjob will benefit the state, then it benefits the state. Remember, prosecutors have a wide discretion.

Then maybe prosectors should start adding blowjobs to the plea deals as well. As well as monetary deposits to their personal banking accounts. When you are under the threat of imprisonment, its not consent.

The lack of consent comes in where you are coerced with being thrown in jail. That's not really consent at all. If that was the case, the prosecturs could make blowjobs at part of the plea deal and it would be on the "up and up".

He confessed during the same interrogations that Knox supporters call "grueling" and "intense"? I guess they suddenly weren't intense or grueling for him.

You still refuse to address the sudden turnaround in the inept and fanatical Italian legal system when it convicted a black man. Were all of the police force fired and replaced in the interim of this man's conviction? Did they get rid of all of the Italian prosectors who were religious and racists in the interim of

The lead Italian investigator is a fanatically religious Catholic with quite possibly paranoid delusions who concocted the idea of a satanic sex ritual killing, with Knox as the central instigator.

This isn't fairytale land, it's the fucking legal system.