
Whoops! Damn you autocorrect...

Haha, all those insightful geniuses who said the supermoon would pull apart the Earth were right after all. Enjoy living in hell, you doubters!

Well, most of the passenger heads look like penis heads, so there's that.

There are more comedians in the world than trolls. Sadly, not more than things needing to be mocked.

You need to run home to momma.

Sweet, now my cats will actually be useful.

While this is probably true, they did a terrible job proving it. After the force quit there's an edit, and then when he restarts the Maps app, the dot is already there. That doesn't prove anything because of the edit. Actually, it doesn't prove it at all because any GPS could be feeding in the coordinates since the

But where are the Clones? There ought to be Clones. Send in the Clones.

Yep, I just confirmed it myself. Once you install (MacObserver has the best guide), if you try to sync, it pops up the message. If you click Authorize it's an endless loop. If you click Unauthorize it removes iMovie and continues the sync process. If you click Cancel, it keeps iMove and cancels the rest of the sync

Other sites (such as 9to5Mac) are reporting that after installing, the iPad can't sync to iTunes. When you try, the dialog pops up to say this computer is no longer authorized. If you cancel that dialog, it removes iMovie again, presumably with any files you just created.

That's a nice looking place, too. Once you get married and have kids, kiss all that excess cash and free time goodbye!

Stay alert! Trust no one! Keep your laser handy.

Not at all. The goat pictured above dropped dead. At least some of the Kevlar goats survived.

If PETA truly cared about stopping testing on animals, they'd volunteer as test subjects. Otherwise it's just posturing.

Don't worry, Dak will handle this. He's amazingly competent.

How is a "month-long mission" equal to 224 days? Is it because they both ended in December? And more importantly, how many episodes of 60 Minutes can you watch during that time? I see two stories on the main page from a single episode!

The point being that the article should say that, the headline should say that, and the hype should be kept to the proper level.

The DMCA makes me want to dig up Sonny Bono and copy him (shame he was such a douche: I used to like that guy, too). Then I'd get my clone army elected to congress to defeat DMCA.

Spend $25,000 in pennies. Just carrying it around will burn calories.

So far I don't see anything to regret. I've loved using mine for the last year, and the value retained is extremely high even if I decide to jump on the iPad 2.