
Sweet! You all buy this cool new technology, and I'll buy a Proxmark3. Then you can all walk around the mall while I scan your credit cards and iPhone 5 devices for RFID values, and shop online with your identity.

I have a bit of this myself. It's mainly linking names with faces, like Casey Chan, but perhaps a bit worse. I continually run into people who seem familiar, and often they know my name. I've learned to just say "Hi! Hey how are you?" and seem interested in the answer. Even later, I don't link up who that was with the

Now playing

Well, what do YOU think about THESE? Probably they'll think something like that.

Have you not seen their nude ads? It's not unlikely that someone (er, else) would form an unhealthy attachment to PETA after those.

Excellent catch. Apparently the baby was on top of some cameras inside the vault and another camera picked up that image.

Whoa, what's this? A picture to explain the point of a Giz post? Haha, that's so last month. Giz has moved on from the need to pander to their viewers by explaining things in one place. It's much cooler to post some sparse, misleading or incomplete text and then lead the viewer on a merry link chase to who knows where.

Oh man, I used to work at a major jewelry retailer, and the stories the other clerks would tell were horrific. Mind you, diamonds in particular are marked up 500% on average, sometimes 1000% (that's ten times cost, for the math challenged). You have NEVER purchased a diamond that wasn't at least 100% over cost, not

The little pump action cousin requires a satisfying tug before firing, huh? I think it's time for date night there, buddy. Don't wait for Valentine's day.

I agree with this post completely.

Oh god just someone please tell me how to get the old layout back. This crap doesn't display correctly on an iPad, often locks it up, and the master / detail view is for email, not a web site. Give me a linear view option or kiss my advertising clicks goodbye.

I loved the kid, but I keep thinking that young Darth Vader is going to grow up evil. I mean, he's tasted REAL POWER now, and you won't be able to keep him down. He's partly machine already, and that will only grow until he becomes more machine than man: twisted and evil.

These hand tools are double-plus good, I say! They're the latest thing. I got mine from my big brother about 27 years ago.

...Afterwards, they fly with a perfect operational record.

@TanyaRei: Ha! Got you. Every Star Wars fan knows that parsecs are a unit of time.

@Jacubious: I have a similar background, me being a recovering Cathaholic. Today I'm happily non-theist.

@jace53: You need a new job, seriously. A nice company pays to have people clean up several times a day, and has enough rooms so there aren't like 20 stalls in a single area.

@M-Tek: If your profile pic is any indication, you like Lucky Charms, in bleach.