
@Canon7D-Fanboy: It was the derka derka behind the derka Mohammed jihad! Death to infidels. And $100 each.

@Trystian: I usually wrap the gun strap around my legs. That way, when I have to get to chase a perp, I know my gun will be bouncing along behind me in case I need to pop a cap into a brother.

@Mekklesack: The thought of stealing a woman from your cold dead hands is getting me all hot and bothered.

@Rodney Torres: I guess he figured that as a liberal puss, you'd be easy to intimidate.

@kyre: It's not too hard to figure out. Obviously we had to "misunderstand" the electrical charge at first so history would turn out the way it did. QED.

@sammy baby: My first bike made that sound when I tried to cold crank it.

@kyre: That's what I was thinking (except not so smart). How can symmetry be based on a concept that we just made up? 12:00 is just some arbitrary number in an arbitrary base-12 numbering system mixed with base-10 numbering. Time is symmetrical to THAT? Man, what are the odds!

@jdale: THIS. Sabre and the rest should fear Google buying ITA because Google doesn't give a crap about them. Google can do things far better, far faster, and doesn't have a stake in the game already, so they have no intrenched personnel.

@DizWhiz: Nice, I never noticed that parallel before. Still not enough motivation to watch DS9, though.

You forgot to mention that ITA Software was just purchased by none other than Google. Even better, Google explicitly says it's because they want to use their own technology to improve the system.

@TheNobleRobot: I'm not convinced he hasn't been a great innovator. New ideas come up all the time - the "secret" is to find the good ones and run with them. If you mean he didn't have the idea in the first place, then yeah, I agree with that. What I mean is that he recognized the good ideas with a great track record

@JohnnyricoMC: Except that she's not entirely gone, so they end up sharing the body. And pretty much all the men around. Odd story.

@BPL5683: Oh please, don't be a Jerk.

@db4dbms: That, my friend, is the Definition of "awesome".

@murhoy: WHO THE HELL SAYS? That makes even less sense than the whole astrology thing in the first place!

@AreWeThereYeti: It's also legal to strip DRM for research purposes. I'm sure there are restrictions on what "research" means, of course. But that is an option if someone wants to do it.

@A Flock of Smegal's: Always loved the musical cello / computer duo scene. And the ending, so sad...

@ninjagin: It's ain't the size that matters, it's the velocity. A .22 long rifle shell is less than an inch. A .223 round is about two inches and four times the circumference. That's a crapload more grains of powder behind that bullet.