
@Helvetica: Try it again. But this time, work out, and show her your feelings.

Zardoz! Where's Sean Connery?

@mslourdes: Sure they're trying to suppress the free and open use of this hardware. The reason is simple: video game systems are a scam.

@joep1984: ... and film it and post it on the Internet, because that's hot.

@Blackright: We tease you because we love you.

Why does this still need to be said:

@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: It looks PRETTY, but it doesn't look like a GOOD MOVIE. Still, Tron itself is lame here and there, even for its day. I still watch it occasionally, and it definitely doesn't have the pace of a modern film. Tron Legacy should have that updated pace, but the plot will probably be

@Geisrud: Yeah, my friend says it totally was, but the government found out there was a leak, and then they like totally had to cover it up, you know? So, like, they got these guys from like Hollywood to make a TV show about it for realz, and then when people came and asked them about it they were all like "No way!

@tovette: It's having the opposite effect on me. Lucky it won't matter.

Not to take anything away from this, but he's clearly making some educated guesses based on context. We all do that, of course, which is how some optical illusions can work (some take advantage of weaknesses in the seeing mechanism).

The term "nut butters" sounds incredibly filthy to me. NUT BUTTERS!

@James Valentine: Oh, that could be AWESOME with one of those air cannon toys behind it. You could blow your lungs up completely, maybe rupture a vessel or two.

@redman042: Wow, that brings back memories. Or does it? Hmmm...

@2 replies: You're not thinking fourth-dimensionally.

@AgentSmithAndWesson: Wendy's chili is made from the meat that went stale on the grill while waiting for an order. It's stored in a bucket under the grill for a few hours, then transferred to the walk-in fridge. The next day, all the buckets are poured into the massive chili cauldrons and cooked for several hours

@Blackright: In the US they would use a sword. That must be one sharp Samurai.

@Jordyce: I wish to subscribe to your newsletter, sir. Do you have a write-up, or a common place where you have acquired this intriguing knowledge? Please post URL(s)!