
Those credits indicate it takes a LOT of people to make a call on a Nokia N8.

@JakeMG:Switzerland: In two years I still haven't given away 100 cards. Of course, if I were awesome enough to warrant cards like this, I probably would. Sounds like a fair indicator of success to me: If you give away a lot of cards you can probably afford to give away really nice ones.

@Joel Johnson: Joel, things that don't work are broken. By bad design, by programming error, by accident, by damage, by human error, or by gum!, they are nonetheless broken by virtue of being non-functional.

If only there were some company you could call for help. Alas, China is well known as not possessing technical expertise. Oh, well, you'll have to wait and fix that iPad when you get back to the good ole USA, where they were made...

@CSVM: This actually happened to me, where the hot girl was a former flight attendant who just didn't use the lock, so it showed "unoccupied".

I've seen Bill react to things that he doesn't like. During a Tech-Ed conference he was on a live video call and one attendee asked him what was so funny off screen that was making him smile.

I'd like to fire my torpedo into her small exhaust port, located just below the main port.

@monstermax: A reloaded round used for practice tends to have fewer grains than a standard round. Lower velocity and kick helps when you're practicing aim and breathing control.

So if I smoke marijuana, it will turn me into a newt?

@FrankenPC: Exactly what I was thinking. Where's Susan Dey? I want to try out the breast girth slider!

@Billiam_Bisquits: Having the display 20-30 ft out in front also helps those of us with glasses. I am near-sighted, so I use glasses to drive. They make everything within 10 feet turn into a blurry mess, but I can see the road nicely.

It looks more like a vice or pair of pliers than anything remotely safe. If anything heavy falls on that, it will simply crush you.

@LuciusVerus: Well, I went and saw it. Dialog by "West Wing" Aaron Sorkin, directed by "Fight Club" David Fincher, and soundtrack by "NIN" Trent Freakin' Reznor. Verdict: it wasn't bad. Not really good, either, because I kept thinking "This douchebag is now a billionaire, and I paid to see this".

LDS says to keep a year of food? I'd prefer a year's supply of LSD. And weed.

@aec007: Hearted. It's forever "tainted" for me now.

I use these nearly every day on both an iPad and iPhone 4:

@GitEm$teveDave: Not just that, you should also prepare for the Stink Palm visibly and explain to everyone what you're doing before you do it. Then let THEM refuse to put their hands on a biometric scanner ever again. Instant revolution!

@SewerShark: Micheal Crichton wins again: "Looker". Susan Dey from the Partridge Family gets naked for a full body scan, then a hologram of her is created as an actress (because CGI isn't as cool as holograms). 1981!

@swizzle23: I also have the WDTV Live Plus, and I just got my Apple TV. The Apple TV has a much nicer interface, even for Netflix. However, because I went over the number of HDMI inputs on my Samsung, it meant a trip to the store for a small network and an HDMI switch. Net cost was $200 more to add the $99 ATV. The

@janson0: Exactly, or the new touchpad "mouse" accessory.