
@DThrasher: The inside is probably decorated by Dali.

@CaptainJack: But this isn't the color black, it's a LASER that cancels out another laser and converts the energy to heat. Sure, sure, you can just use something black to absorb the laser light and convert it into heat, but this is a LASER that does that! It's a LASER!

@komododave: Metric. Why did it have to be metric?

@Snafu77: Oh FCC, you make me sad. You can't put the genie back in the bottle, no matter how hard you try to suppress the knowledge.

@Slinkytech: You are a gentlemen and a scholar. Unless you are a lady, in which case, how YOU doin'?

Telepresence. Japan.

Got mine a week ago. So far I'm not excited by the content.

@Lactose_The_Intolerant: I think this demonstrates the point fairly well. In this concept, Rama is heading for Earth and can't be ignored. In the book, it's nowhere near Earth and will pass through the solar system quickly. It's just another asteroid until someone gets telescope time and figures out the true nature of

@McMike: But the day ball burns my eyes. The cool blue flat screens are my friends.

@Time Pilot AKA: If you haven't read Watchmen or been spoiled, you won't know how it ends. Really.

@tedknaz: It's a real pain to slide the iPad out of this case. It's a bit sticky (from leather friction) when you first buy it, but on the counter-point, it tends to slide out too easy later, which is why they added the velcro strap to the design.

@Tiger-Fever: Sorry for the late reply, but I thought you should know I agree with your points. True.

@Slinkytech: And yet you assume I'm the ass. Do I really have to shove a smiley into every counter-point just to avoid aggravating people?

@OMG! Twitter!!: Ugh, no it doesn't. A tachikoma has personality in every movement. This thing just sat there and swiveled.

@Skunky: I didn't equip that.

@Tiger-Fever: I don't think the article is saying OS X is going to die, but rather the current interface will die and be replaced by the iOS interface.

What's the UPC for quadratriticale?