
@tedknaz: I got mine for $20 from a co-worker who returned his iPad. The very next day I dropped it, and the whole assembly went down 4 feet and landed right on the corner. I immediately went back and gave him another $20.

@trs: One ore for three wheat. I don't think you'll do any better.

@Time Pilot AKA: Speaking as a movie buff that is not also a comics buff, Dark Knight tops the list completely, and not only because of Heath Ledger but because it makes a kind of sense given the wacky premise.

@Tycho Vhargon: Stay defiantly proud! Never give up, never surrender!

@Calrekabooki: Grab the ice cream maker, let's get out of here.

Quick! Somebody name their kid Beowulf Shaeffer. His destiny is waiting.

@Calrekabooki: This deal is getting worse all the time.

@Tyrunn: Not necessarily. There was a SOCKS proxy server app that had published source code, and I put that on my iPhone 3Gs first thing when I bought developer access. A bit expensive for $99, but I wanted to fiddle and could afford it, so why not? Not every app requires jailbreak or App Store approval.

@Tyrunn: And later on, a hamper of wine-stained clothes.

@crikerat: I'm with you. I was definitely under the (now proven false) assumption that Apple's code checking software looked for suspicious API calls and non-API system calls. A flashlight app should not be calling network routines, Apple!

@iolani09: You're certainly right about that. It's like that tall kid that bullied all the shorter ones because they couldn't strike back.

@CrispyAardvark: I agree. They were trying to show the depth of field, and they chose to use a method that made the whole thing difficult to watch.

@usedtowork: But not on the bottom left, is that what you're saying?

@talkingstove: Because that bastard is guilty. I don't want him out on the streets, searching for honey in all the wrong places.

@bustedchain: That's not funny! I'm blonde, and I have LOTS to do.

@Jimbo Collins: He just realized he built a scooter. A scooter. I'm sad now.

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: The only good remake was a South Park episode where they copied the fight between Timmy and Jimmy.

@Nitemancometh: That circuit is not only hot, if you build it, you'll go blind.